Alliance should destroy Orgrimmar

and non void alleria will be my waifu.

It should be an event or raid and call it something like Siege of Orgrimmar or something like that.


sounds like the average alliance angry poster to me.

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It sounds like you’ve never been to Orgrimmar. There definitely aren’t hundreds of women and children hanging out there.

Is that your copium response? It’s over. Accept it.

ion doesnt have sole control over wow.


The faction war is over. Ion IS the game director. Deal.

Well, if you read the novels, apparently destroying Orgrimmar ends the world, with only a handful of survivors including Kalecgos who is driven insane from all of the death.

Because Horde plot armor.

(In War Crimes, a bronze dragon summons Kalecgos from an alternate timeline where Kalecgos did not succeed in calming Jaina’s anger after Theramore and she destroyed Orgrimmar with the tidal wave she created, which led to a war that destroyed the world.)

someone could replace ion then kapoof faction war all over again.

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From what I’ve heard, Org is getting updated and upgraded so I don’t think you’re idea is going to happen, OP.

Okay. You can bulldoze orgi but you gotta build a shiny mall in its place. It’s gotta have a waterpark, a golf course, a ski ram, palm trees and many many fountains.

Make it kinda a Petra desert theme with reddish stone and jewel toned fabrics with gold detailing.

Also y’all humans gotta fund it. Prob can afford it since yall saved all that money not paying for repairs before.

Orgrimmar is a dump, the horde would be happy to get a new modern city…


exodar is a dump.

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Bread making place is a dump.

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Alliance should trash their own city. Like how people do when they win at some sport event in Europe.

Would give us a actual use for that cannon for sure, so long as the merchandise doesn’t get destroyed on transit


Lets sack Stormwind for a change.

What’s with the sudden flux of agressive faction conflict threads? Not saying I disapprove.

A disgruntled raid on Horde territories sounds like it would be a good role for Sky-Admiral Rodgers. What’s she been up to since the crash in Legion?

Honestly I don’t even see this as Alliance bias.
I’d like for the Alliance to be the morally wrong faction for a change.
Give the Horde a good backbone reason to waging war etc …

Personally I was hoping Jaina would’ve gone forward with flooding Orgrimmar with the wall of water-elemental colossals in a maga-tsunami from way back in Tides of War. :joy:

I wouldn’t mind if the Horde races unified in the aftermath and collectively pooled their magics & resources to rebuild the city as a sanctuary representing each of their races.

  • Highmountain tribe using elemental magics to lift the excess salt from the immense ocean waters that flooded the city
  • Nightborne & Sin’dorei applying magics to amplify the powers of the other races
  • Orcs communing with the elemental spirits to bring harmony to the elements in spite of the recent calamity.
  • Tauren tending restoration magics to aid the flora throughout the city.
  • Trolls using voodoo magics to help the regrowth of the city

Then have their efforts work a little TOO well → Creating an overgrowth of plantlife & jungle-like environment throughout, with an odd mixture vibe between Stranglethorn & Gorgrond’s Everbloom.

After such you could have different wings of the city emphasising themes of the various races in such environments – Making it a renewed beacon city of the Horde :partying_face:

I mean, you can pick other cities, go for it, orgrimmar is just too big for a group of extremists to destroy like that.

But Mulgore is right there, and Baine need to learn a lesson