Alliance should destroy Orgrimmar



likeā€¦ BFA?

Or hell, Cata?

I donā€™t really think BFA is an example of that. No one forced Sylvanas, or the Hordeā€™s hand. The Alliance pretty much was a victim. Which goes back to my issue with Teldrassil. Our reasons were not compelling enough.

Cata? Absolutely. The faction war in cata was great. I even understand the justification behind Theramore.

Take out the bullcrap SL stuff and Iā€™d say the Horde had a good Casus Belli for Stormheim alone, much less the Silithus massacres and Anduin goofing around and accidentally turning a reconciliation meeting into an terrible attempt at a coup.

If nobody destroys Org the horde should just move out. Itā€™s a trash city, and they could be living in much nicer places.

Eh, I mean technically you are right about Stormheim, but when it comes to WoWā€™s audience it was never going to be good enough. People irl empathize too much with Greymane and saw his actions as too justified to see the Alliance as less a victim because of what happened in Stormheim.

I didnā€™t actually play bfa so i am unaware of what these events are, and am having trouble finding the specifics. Enlighten me?

So basically the leadup to BFA in the prepatches/short stories had Saurfang be a hard stalwart voice against war, iirc saying heā€™d Makā€™gora sylvanas if she started anything.

His will got broken down between Sylvanas badgering him over it and sticking in the knife of his dead son trauma and because the Alliance wouldnā€™t stop screwing with the Horde and looking like theyā€™re imminently about to attack.

  • Stormheim happens, Anduin knows Genn is a dick for doing it, but canā€™t do anything because the nameless faceless stormwind nobility do what they do best and screw things up while leaving the king blameless.

  • Anduin decides to do a reconciliation meeting since heā€™s not an idiot and knows tensions are bad, Calia badgers him to go and heā€™s too much of a wimp to say no. She (the sister of the man who broke Sylvanas) calls for the forsaken to ditch sylvanas and restore the Menethils after seeing her kill a forsaken, and gets instantly deleted by Sylvanas for it (shame it didnā€™t stick)

  • Azurite is discovered and goblins are mining the hell out of it in Silithus. Shaw sends SI:7 to go murder the hell out of them.

  • Anduin and Shaw decide flooding orgrimmar with a ton of spies conspicuously recording everything is a smart move, because clearly it sends a message, right?

So Saurfang basically writes up a plan that requires the Alliance to continue to be stupid and hostile to even begin, and what do you know, it works. Baine is sent down to Silithus to defend the druids and shamans healing the planet there unknowingly acting as bait for Tyrande who finds out about it through the aforementioned spies and sends Teldrassilā€™s standing regular army to intercept Baine for some dumb reason. Baine.

saurfang is far worse than sylvanas ever was whats worse is he is a hypocrite just read rise of the horde the orcs dont even have demon blood til the last bit of their war long after the endless carnage.

Saurfang was a moron for trusting Sylvanas but his entire plan was to checkmate Teldrassil as a way to say ā€œknock it the hell off, we can hit backā€ and force long term concessions for peace before handing it back.

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saurfang should have known by than sylvanas is not honorable the fact he didnt was just astonding. also in the war of thorns war prequel to bfa a good war he nearly gets killed countless times he planned the entire events and was ok with everything sylvanas did til she burnt teldrassil something he would have done and been ok with back on draenor heck just look at shatrath the black temple so on. bfa worst writting of horde characters.

ā€¦ okay so that does make it seem more justified to ATTACK Teldrassil but it doesnā€™t really justify burning it. Even pre SL bs, the idea of killing tons of innocent people in that tree still makes the Alliance seem victimized. If the Alliance had just done something similar or worse recently? Or literally left the Horde no choice but to burn it with the civillians still in it? Or had it be a tragic accident caused by the struggle to take the tree? That would make it work. But no, iirc the original explanation before SL stuff was that she decided she had to do it because malf being sent to SW would galvanize the Alliance, and she had to ā€œsend a messageā€ like she was going to make them back off or some stupidity?

I have had other people explain it as her destroying an enemy stronghold, which would weaken the Alliance enough to allow the Horde to defeat them once and for all. None of that makes sense, nor makes the Alliance seem less victimized by such an act of unjustified mass murder. In actuality, occupying that tree, and taking the civillians hostage/prisoner to org, and make it clear to the Alliance that if they attack, or make ANY move the Horde CAN burn the tree and kill prisoners would have been enough to accomplish what Sylvanas wanted. They could have had Genn take the risk to try and disarm the Hordeā€™s capability to burn the tree, fail, and force the Hordeā€™s hand as a result. Idk SOMETHING other than what happened.

The more I learn about this expac, the more think it isnā€™t that the faction war is bad in and of itself. It is that the way it was done was absolutely idiotic.

Thatā€™s not hypocrisy, thatā€™s recognizing past choices and actions were wrong.

But I will admit they completely ruined Saurfangā€™s character by having him send Malf to Stormwind. That was beyond pointless.

But in the end, not as stupid as what Sylv did. Burning the tree without letting civillians evacuate was going to accomplish NOTHING but unite the Alliance against the Horde, and not even weaken it much because much of Darnassusā€™ army was literally elsewhere.

They COULD have occupied Darnassus. Taken the civillians prisoner/hostage. But noooooo. BURN IT! BECAUSE THATā€™LL SHOW 'EM!

Remember, the entirety of the horde was blindsided by Sylvanas order, the burning was never justified but it also wasnā€™t in the cards until Sylvanas snaked Saurfang in the end. It wasnā€™t even her plan until Saurfang spared Malfurion when he had him at his mercy.

BFA was a complete mess lol

Thatā€™s the point. Because it wasnā€™t justified at all, and utterly pointless, it made BFA not a good example of making a supposed victim actually causing very much justified aggression on the part of a supposed aggressor.

The burning COULD have been justified, or at the very least a horrible tragic accident caused by a struggle during arguably justified aggression from the Horde. Faction war CAN be good! Blizz CAN do better. These mistakes SHOULD be easily avoided.

Instead we got BFA and I am sick of people acting like BFA proves faction war shouldnā€™t happen anymore. Just demand BETTER writing. Donā€™t just settle for boring writing because itā€™s not as bad if Blizz screws it up.

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This x 1000000
I honestly wonder every time someone says theyā€™re ā€œtired of the faction warā€ if theyā€™re actually just tired of the bad writing behind so much of WoW and that in particular.