Hello WRA!
I haven’t been around too long in my return to WoW, but even before the Drakthyr phased out Stormwind, the city that was once a bustling RP hub is now…devoid of it?
As someone who is EST based on a PST server, its become very hard for me to find any meaningful amount of walk-up roleplay, which feels discouraging to try and engage at all in finding a guild with similar tastes.
Is there a discord that’s more Alliance leaning instead of one that caters to the server that I can find? What about finding roleplay elsewhere? I’d like to try and find something without having to play on Moon Guard.
Before anyone asks, no, I’m not opposed to cross faction RP, but the previous Discord server I was in years ago was primarily Horde with few Alliance recruitment posts.
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It’s a bit of a struggle. Discord helps (especially for the times when people fall off the game), but I’m not sure if there’s a big community specifically for Alliance RP (or at least, I haven’t found it yet).
I think theres still the Wyrmrest Community Project discord server. It might help. I need to check back into it, too, coming back from a hiatus.
The Wyrmrest Community Project is indeed still around and quite active. You can find their forum post, and an invite to the server, here.
Originally, they focused on Alliance and neutral RP. They started allowing Horde events to be posted a few months ago, but there are many Alliance and neutral events on their calendar, and they have an LFRP channel for finding other people for random/semi-planned RP. Additionally, they’ll be running an Alliance guild faire in Stormwind next month; you can find details in the discord or in the event’s forum post here.
There is Alliance walk-up to be found, but it’s moved from Stormwind to Duskwood. I don’t know how early in the evening people tend to start congregating there, but you can ask in the WCP discord or in Thomas Bates’s Duskwood Thread.
Idk there’s like a giant discord that is specifically for Alliance (also Horde and neutral) RP I’m not sure how people miss it when it’s all over the forums and junk I think people wanna see what the wanna see
I want to reiterate support for the Wyrmrest Community Project. The work they’re doing is incredible. Join their discord and i doubt you’ll be lacking in RP.
Oh boy, I haven’t done a Duskwood advertisement in forever! Okay, here goes…
HHHHHHELLO, FELLOW ALLIANCE FRIEND! Stormwind a giant ball of wings and scales right now? Hard to find roleplay in the pre-patch madness? Well have I got a place for you! Come on down to…
Yes, Duskwood! Where around 7pm server time the zone comes alive with friends, travelers and spooky sheanigans! Come meet the resident guild, The Bright Guarde, who work tirelessly to protect the woods. And if you’re lucky, you might catch a ghostly figure riding the old cobble roads.
So don’t delay, try out Duskwood TODAY!
Yes, yes everything here. The Alliance project people are talking about, join it, support it, and connect with people there. The more people show up and try and make an effort in building a community the more comfortable people will be in keeping it up! Effort has to start some where, and the people who are there consistently are a joy. If you want to build a tight knit group, seek it out! It can be scary, but don’t worry, no one is going to think you’re silly for asking if anything is going on that night…and if not. Darn it, say you’ll be hanging out in an area and put out an interest! No one shows? Boo on them , they missed out. Encourage your friends to play WRA Alliance, or ask for hordies to get on their alliance!!
Something I think that would be fun is an “Alliance night” where all the Horde who have Alliance characters take a day to all finally play them and rp in Stormwind, it might generation some interest!
Servers are also being sharded right now for the pre-patch event. Even Stormwind on MG is pretty sparse if you get shunted into an empty shard.
Logged in on my shaman, no one around!!
Logged in on my monk and dragons everywhere.
I counted at least 3 different shards on Orgrimmar last night? I think?
It feels especially bad this prepatch compared to the other times the sharding has happened.
At least it’s not a mg-wra mix!
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it can also suck for doing the invasion event lmao
case in point, my shaman there was like three of us doing the event and it was not very fun.
My monk my game lagged so hard from all the dragon lasers the boss was there and then deleted LOL
Yeah, I took Weds off and did invasions on my alts. The lag was horrendous and there were so many people there!
Then the Barrens sharded and it went from what felt like hundreds of people all laser beaming to a handful. My computer thanked Blizzard at the time but it’s killing RP opportunities.
bit late to the replies on this one but i’ve noticed a LOT of RP happens outside of Stormwind on WRA. Like, I’ll be out in bumfrick nowhere Azuremyst Isle and there’s a whole gaggle of elves RPing out there.
Or the time i had logged out in a random farm in westfall and logged back into the middle of what appeared to be a 10+ group for an event. RP a-side is alive! But unlike MG (from what I understand), WRA RP is focused more around events and less around walk-up. Hell, even horde-side WRA, the walk-up scene hasn’t been the main mode of RP for a lot of folks for… gosh, years? Not since the Kor’kron days I wanna say.
This is a long winded way to say: hook up with the discord, hang out in Duskwood, and see if you vibe with a guild or group!