Alliance RP hub?

That sucks that your classes are at awkward times of day, I hope you end up finding something that works out for you! Good luck!

It’s the time that works out best for my partner and I, I start class, she goes to bed (7PM for me is 12AM for her) but yeah it’s definitely not great for finding RP unfortunately.

If anyone has any recommendations for NE RP guilds (preferred but not mandatory by any means) that RP or are active during the daytime, hmu. Will poke around Duskwood now and again though, worse comes to worse I’ll see you on the weekend!

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I know it’s frustrating to hear it over and over again, but it really is just the new content pulling everyone’s attention.

Time zone / play time differences sound like a huge factor into why you’re not encountering people. Highly recommend checking out that LFRP channel and The Mead Hall Discord. Remember that you don’t have to be a Dwarf to join, but you do have to prove you’re willing to challenge a Dwarf to a drinking contest.

Here’s the link to The Mead Hall:

A small disclaimer for the below statement, I’m uncertain if groups at these locations are open towards walk up or if they’re a more closed group of friends.

As far as finding walk up RP in game, sometimes the lake area (the one just below the Cata portal area) and the farm area and that little out of the way house over there can have some activity. There’s a secluded picnic area behind that house that sometimes has people.

I’ve just noticed a trend of people being there fairly often, I would advise whispering and expressing interest in stumbling upon their group and waiting for a response before RP walking in their general direction only to be asked to respect their scene and having to RP walk of shame away.

This is definitely something to consider.

The main reason I left MG was because timezone differences. I’m on the west coast best coast and most guild and server events on MG happened when I was still at work.

So MG might be better for you or it might be worse for you depending on the time of day you play.

Moonguard has always been all but entirely Alliance, so it’s not a fair comparison.

In terms of WRA though… I have to agree. To a point. I mained Alliance on WRA from MoP all the way through to patch 7.3 of Legion where I decided to make Sarestha and give the Horde a serious go (mainly due to a relative lack of late night RP, I’m usually not online until 1am server time because Australianism) I still have like 12 Alliance alts and I still RP a couple here and there. (The void elf Faltherin being my current Alliance main)

I have to say that there’s been a decline in Alliance RP on WRA. Gone are the days when the Cathedral Square would be filled with recruiting guilds displaying their banners for hours on end. Gone are the days when the Blue Recluse was full to the brim, and the OOCers were not clogging the mage tower ramp all the time. That much is true. It’s not what it was, especially outside of peak time.

Is it dead?

Gosh no. Far from it.

A lot of the WRA Alliance RP has gone into guilds, but it’s definitely still there. You might not trip over 4000 random RPers as you walk around the city, but even then you’ll still run into several dozen at peak hour, and at least a handful off-peak. I still have consistent and meaningful Alliance plots on WRA, for sure.

WRA’s Alliance population has seen a reduction, a decline I suppose. But it’s a looong way from dead or even dying. If you want to see dead, go check out the other RP realms. I’ve got some friends who originally came from Earthen Ring. Check that one out if you get some spare time. That’s a dead server.

Bit of a hot take here: But I think the Horde has declined RP-wise as well. There’s less active guilds about recruiting in the Valley of Honor too. There’s a lot more OOC griefing and a lot less RP than there used to be back in MoP, I reckon. With that in mind, I’d suggest the game is declining in population generally. It’s not solely a faction issue. So sure Alliance WRA is less than it used to be. MG Alliance must seem huge by comparison. But that’s because MG Horde HAS next to no community. It’s a high population server made almost exclusively of Alliance players.

With that in mind: WRA is still 100% the best option for crossfaction RP. If everyone goes to MG the potion of tongues is next to meaningless. So that alone is a good enough reason for me to forsake a somewhat bigger community in favour of WRA Alliance - a still-thriving and active community, even if it’s past its population peak.


I lead a really large guild on MG Horde during MoP, so its definitely not always been an Alliance exclusive server. The population of Horde players there seems to have dropped substantially during WOD.

I do have to agree about the analysis of WrA Horde having a lot more OOC than it used to, which I was surprised by when I came back to the game after having quit in BFA (though I didn’t RP during Legion either). I’ve still gotten my walkup RP in Silvermoon though so I’m good on that I guess, and I have a new Horde RP guild to run with (though their hours aren’t ideal for me either, they’re all people I’ve known from MoP, so w/e).

Cross faction RP is cool with me, I’ll certainly be able to do more of that once my Alliance character gets to SHL and unlocks cross faction hubs.

Valley of Honor always had a few griefers, but the last year it turned into full blown toxicity. For whatever reason now it’s acceptable to chat OOC in /say in the middle of an RP area, drop disruptive toys, duel in the middle of RPers, etc. Really disappointing it’s gotten this bad.

Edit: clarifying to say the OOC chatter is full blown conversations and spam, not occasional OOC messages.


I’ve always seen OOC convos precariously near to RPers, like definitely within chat radius of the Wyvern for instance. Spamming toys and duels are new though, that’s discouraging to see. I’m accustomed to ignoring them but eugh.

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Ah, the one place I get flustered at and don’t RP in because everyone and their moms are there.

Sad to hear that people are butthats. I am sorry.


Oh dear. Is it terminal?

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Yeah that’s unfortunately pretty standard across the board, it happens a lot on the Alliance side too, with slowly growing crowds of people swapping “LOL EX DEE” “smdh might PvP later” ‘omg huuuuggs’ in Say while just kind of staring at people trying to RP.

I try to give them the benefit of the doubt that they’re not intending to make people uncomfortable but to anyone who felt suddenly felt called out by the above you do.


It was killing my RP for a while there but when I made Lordaeron Unbound it made a miraculous recovery :stuck_out_tongue:


I guess asking an undead death knight if something is terminal is…I don’t know, redundant? Like, “terminal? Probably but it’s never stopped me before!”


I’m not saying that the huge surge of non-RPers we’ve gotten that have come over because people on RP servers actually have conversations have had a negative impact on RP but…there’s definitely been a notable drop in lack of mindfulness of other players’ RP experience since. Off-realm trolls happened now and again but now we have actual Wymie trolls. Eugh.


Yo, Teldrassil’s music is lit.


frantically dialing the police


It’s okay! I made a Night Elf!

he’s only like my 13th druid lul

I understand your language, natureman.

I got out of the starting quest zone as an Undead Rogue and immediately thought I should go back as a Goblin Rogue.


I think I’m up to 7 pallies? About the same number of hunters. And I have 2 of those pallies to 60 and the majority of the rest and the hunters are hovering between 51-54, so…

Oh - I meant to add that maybe a couple of the Alliance guilds may have some upcoming events. I’m pretty sure Battlestein has a marketplace and I’ve seen a couple of other things brewing. There are still a couple of taverns going as well. Events are out there. You just have to look for them.

I boosted a paladin!

I can see why you’d have so many lol

I’m trying to get Outland Shield so bad rn

Edit: After farming it for an hour I realized that I could just buy it.