Alliance RP hub?

I have a Worgen that would love to live in creepy woods as a ghost!

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Now that the sharding is over, maybe we should look at pushing to get more walk up going in SW? Or have some rotating hubs so we can invade Duskwood and see Thomas occasionally.

(Duskwood has always been my favorite zone, btw.)

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That wording makes me suspicious.

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Hi, suspicious. I’m Baitan.

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May Kinarra visit beautiful Duskwood? A Brief visit, I promise… no occupation or anything like that.

I love the idea of RP hubs popping up that aren’t capitols. It is my dream that one day, Crossroads will be an active hub. People need to be out in the world.


I may have invaded there before >.>

I have also been part of an Alliance guild who used Darkshire as a base for a short time.

Who knows what I’ll do in the future…

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Pumpkin or apple pie?

Do they still host Soup Night at the Crossroads? If they do I should totally bring my Horde toon one day!

And I’ve always got Elixirs of Tongues handy, I would love a chance encounter with Kin one day. C:


Yes, South Fury Watch hosts soup night on alternate Wednesdays!

And I’ve always got Elixirs of Tongues too. Kina would be fascinated by a Human Ancestor.



I also have the best apple pie recipe in the entire world. Entire. World.

But in the context of why are we talking about pie, is that for soup night?

I was just testing you. You passed.
If you wanna hit me up on Discord and drop me that recipe, that’d be cool too.

I will probably forget by the time I get home. I’ll try to remember. What’s your Discord ID?

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Dr. Sexguns#1234

One day I’ll run into you in Duskwood.

And that day will be a day.

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Hi, long time Alliance RPer over here. I basicly moved to WRA the moment the server became active whenever that was. Its been awhile.

No, A side RP isn’t dead as many claim, its definitely more guild based and unfortunately, people will take that as a negative connotation to even trying to break into roleplay. Gone are the days of Cata/MoP/(maybe) WoD where varying people were in various districts doing RP.
Especially for someone like me, who is EST playing on a PST server. Its been especially difficult in my position since the pandemic started here in the US, where im being worked to the bone nearly everyday in food retail.
Lets also not forget that a new expac came out 3 weeks ago, people will return when they feel sufficient enough in their goals. It seems to always happen.
Sure, this is coming from someone who hasn’t been in a A side guild since WoD, but its just the cycle of things here, at least from what I’ve been able to observe.
(Also, I am looking for friends <.<)