Alliance RP hub?

Ally RP is dead here compared to Moonguard’s and compared to WRA just a few years ago.

It’s around obv we have lots of players but like


Here’s an example.

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Sorry but it’s true. There just isn’t as much as there used to be.

If one is committed to RPing Ally Wra they should join one of the handful of guilds that pop up because the streets and taverns aren’t going to crowd up spontaneously anymore. You’ll get a much wider array of options on Moon Guard.


I value your opinion but I’m not sure it’s based on experience. Compared to MG yeah it’s not a lot, but I’ve been playing alliance for the last 6 months full time and that hasn’t been my experience or the experiences of the friends i keep that actually RP on alliance.

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I love to say it but maybe you really aren’t looking in the right places lol


WRA’s RP decline is puzzling because it retains a high population as usual so one would wonder what a driving force was to push people into MoonGuard over such a short span of time.

If the game is actually becoming less popular requiring people who still play to RP to centralize around Moon Guard that might make sense. Otherwise you’d have to propose another possible pushing force that made people quit RP in Wra. However this would be an awkward case because Wra still has the high population.

I think RP is itself just becoming more niche and there’s something of a snowball effect where a declining population drives people to move to a more populated RP experience.

I’d argue it’s just people wanting to congregate where the most RP is at. WRA-A had a large population but MG has been an Alliance server for a few years now, I can understand people wanting to go over there just for that reason, where MG-H made the jump over here due to the availability of Horde RP here. WRA-A is far from dead, but it’s definitely not as big as it used to be.

I’ll take quality rp with a few people over trying to break into a saturated rp scene any day. This is true for me with both MG Alliance and WrA Horde. Not to say Horde rp is bad, I think you guys are rad (I was Horde side for a hot minute in Legion before my guild all left for Final Fantasy), but the wax museum comment from earlier is my experience trying to get any Org walk up when I faction swap. But at the same time, I know I’m not putting in the effort, so I’m getting the same amount as I’m putting in. That’s the real takeaway, you get what you put in. You could be surrounded by roleplayers all having fun, but it means nothing if you’re not engaging it.


I’ve been running around constantly in/around Stormwind and haven’t really seen any rpers except the odd group of 2-3 people, which is why I was wondering if there was something up with the pop when MG seems to be bumping.

I’m not terribly interested in moving over there because this is my home server but not finding any guilds that are recruiting for my playtimes during the day is really discouraging. Doesn’t help none of the NE guilds accept Demon Hunters at all and I haven’t seen many other large guilds advertising other than Kalimdor Collective, whose sister guilds have shut down since Legion, which would corroborate with the claim that a lot of people moved at the end of Legion and the pop has been steadily bleeding.

Yes, that’d be why I made the thread asking where people are RPing at.


This was not directed towards you.

Full disclosure:

I started playing alliance WrA a month ago, when my wife started playing WoW to surprise me, picked WrA randomly, and had a character 3 hours into leveling by the time I got home from work. I didn’t have the heart to ask her to start over on my server, so here I am.

And, I was pleasantly surprised. We still havent found a guild or group to chill with regularly, but it is still pretty fun here and we see a lot of new ppl. We’ve already uad a couple walk-up rp moments happen, which was cool.

Yeah, it isnt super crowded, but it isn’t dead either.


Yes, but 51 posts into the thread no one has posted any updates of where the right place to look for is so I’d say Oangus isn’t necessarily in the wrong either.

Yuhhh this

Shoot my Duskwood pitch didn’t work, do I need to offer a free Ammityville toaster for each visitor?

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People have said it’s because of new content. People aren’t in SW. use the LFRP community to get some going.

Good luck.

I’m on mobile, so forgive me if this doesn’t match what you see, but just in the WrA forums alone, I saw 8 Alliance guilds recruiting right out the gate. I haven’t clicked them to see what they’re about, but I’m sure some of them RP.

What I’m sensing and realizing is the RP is out there. So, yeah I’d say Oangus sounds kinda wrong, here.

I looked! But while flying around I didn’t happen to see anyone. I haven’t given up on WrA blue side yet though. No success with finding any recruiting RP groups via the forums or discord yet though. Worse comes to worse I guess it’ll be my girlfriend and I RPing together without a group lol.

You just commented on my RP guild recruitment thread. It didn’t work out but… they are there???

Not many people are going to be there right now, we’ve got day jobs and such, I’m sitting in my car about to drive home. Seems to me your problem is the time of day you’re looking for rp.

Yeah, I just started class a little bit ago, I’m stuck there from 7-10PM and my partner is in the UK so evening-based guilds don’t work for either of us unfortunately. I’ll check out the LFRP channel though.