How dare you besmirch the honor of Clan Battlehammer!
Everything aside, the friendships Miz mentioned are the reason why we continue to run. There are some very great people I’ve become very close to and I feel very fortunate.
really I was just in a couple earlier this week. After the initial battle alliance ran south at a very very slow pace and horde ran north. Alliance players have adopted the old horde mentality, in which losing quickly was better than winning a long drawn out fight.
Really becomes a pain in the Hiney( words hurt) too for players that enjoy AV to have their games turn into a bland mess due to whiners.
Hydra still would have split but it might have taken longer. There were a great deal of other things, things much bigger than War Games that went down that most people still don’t know and will likely never know. Things no one needs to rehash. So let’s just say it was SPM and call it good.
Did you just vaguebook on the wow forums?
Nope, nothing to see here. I mean really, it was a large combination of things… some really stupid, some not so stupid. And really, way way too much drama over a video game. I look back on it now and I just shake my head thinking about it all. So dumb.
Understatement of the year. Between 500 post threads on these forums and that Facebook group, it was a sight to behold.
Idk I really feel the BG forums could do with a good rehashing
Looking back now, there are so many things I would have done differently. Ways I acted or behaved during it all, only because I was so invested in one side of it, I just would have done differently. You live and you learn.
I think you might be taking Miz’s RP more seriously than it is. When we say SPM ran Hydra out of AV, it’s not an ego thing (at least for me). It’s more to get under the skin of the group that actively dodged us and Prime (after challenging us to come and find them) for most of WoD and then all but disappeared in Legion.
I think we can all agree chicken hunting in WoD brought a lot of AV communities together to face off against Hydra.
I would have brushed it off as RP if it had been once or twice that I heard this. I’ve heard it enough now via various channels to address it because I felt it was perhaps perceived to be a factual depiction of the events that took place. I thought, OK I heard this several times now… do they really think this? If so, I kind of felt like it was really dismissive of the other factors that came into play in regards to Hydra’s demise. That’s why I addressed it.
I miss the taste of freshly hunted chicken
I didn’t mean to poo poo on your RP party. I am going to go watch this so I can be better at this stuff.
Really Kady I think I’ve earned the right :^)
If you want your credit you’ll just have to write your own RPs
Maybe after a few more informative videos
Which ones?
We’ve got lots if you need any
Well I need basic RP instructional videos first, like this one. I am going to work on Step 1: Creating my character concept! I am thinking crazy chick that loves to curse a lot… oh wait…
It’s always good to include a bit of your own personality
The Misadventures of Kady and Miz would be a instant hit.
SPM was not the major reason for the fall of Hyrda, and, you and/or SPM had zero to do with Prime and its separation from Hyrda. nice fish story though. i’m sure some will be impressed by it. cheers.