Alliance premades in AV

Who the hell are you?

Obviously you don’t know the history

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I feel like maybe if the guild was called SHIELD or Agents of Shield, maybe the whole taking Hydra down thing would be more plausible.

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That’s Pleb. I think he does.

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Pleb’s always been distant from reality

For example there were all those times he accused me and others of cheating cause NO WAY could he have just been out played

We did consider naming our premade something along those lines, but decided on an alliance RP name to maintain distance between us and those in Hydra who attempted to claim responsibility for our creation

Prime, the folks that made up the war game effort at that time, moving out of Hyrda had absolutely nothing to do with SPM. cheers.

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The wargame effort never would have been around if not for me and SPM. You’ve just alluded to the very facts to which I refer

no, really.
i just laughed my bum off.

There’s two kinds of people in this world:

People who understand the joking nature of trash talk and the stupids.

C’mon already people! Don’t make me mind control you away from that cliff you’re on.

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I always loved seeing CBH in AV, no matter which side I was on.

If I’m going to die out there I want to be run over by a herd of rams.


(this is jarawana, realm change goofed up my posting toons, you’ll notice this placeholder tauren is in an alliance guild for some reason)

You have a point but I preferred less because that’s basically the only way we’d get a match. SPM got a few people who had no interest in playing the queue game (can’t really blame them) but the alternative of premade vs pugs was not for me.

One hundred and eighty-eight posts until a thread on my favorite subject catches my attention. Sheesh, I’m getting so old!

First ,I salute SPM and it’s founders who took a lot of our guff and trolling in the “old days” to finally say “enuff” and coming together to challenge! It is exactly what we hoped for. A really cool thing about it is that you guys and gals “got gud” right away and became second to none.

Second, a big salute to Pleb, Kady, Danger, Bigstupid, Viekse, Paha, and all the others who strove for so long and so hard to make the Alterac Valley experience truly great and a credit to it’s designers. i still don’t think the Devs truly realize how good a product they made and therefore don’t really try to make it all it can be.

Clan Battlehammer… you guys are awesome! And yes, a shout out to Alliance Vanguard for being good… and being gracious.

Perhaps some day… we’ll all get together for some really fun throw downs in the snow!! And remember, in AV Sylvanas is irrelevant.


I decided towards the start of the whole debaucle that I didn’t want to spend time queue hunting like that.

I respect those who did, but you know more than anyone how bleak that method was. Though it did show results over time

Squeeker… I think you did that to my original toon in Vanilla!

I understand it all.

Let’s be honest here, and I mean really honest, there have been cheating accusations on both sides (both in the wrong BTW). Or is this trash talking in a joking sense that has somehow bypassed my intellectual capabilities? Do we really need to go down that road again??? We should move on…I am not interested in this regression.

they print screened. i have screen shots.


I don’t recall ever accusing Prime of cheating.

And if anyone ever accused Hydra of cheating then they were right. Chonga admitted to the whole thing.

My dislike for Pleb is not RP no.

I think the most fun I had was the Hydra premade, I really enjoyed their GY camping tactics. For example deliberately not capping SHGY and just killing Ally as they spawned in the narrow corridor, good times.

The other premades were “too nice” in comparison, they really didn’t try to farm the other team or camp the same way Hydra does.

Premades are fine imo, I don’t really see them as “exploiting”, it’s just friends/like-minded people playing together most of the time. I doubt Blizz will do anything about premades, because they will never “ban” people playing together/grouping up. Even if they tried, it’s just too impractical and unenforceable - people will always find ways around it.

No one else was so interested in playing wack-a-mole and watching a meaningless statistic climb