Alliance premades in AV

i have become aware of 2 alliance premade groups that somehow circumvent the 5 man limit que and get 20-25 people all in voice into the same AV vs randoms on horde side. they are Stormpike Militia and Clan Battlehammer(an all dwarf role play guild :joy::joy::joy:

how is this possible? they even dont play objectives and just sit at a choke point dragging out games to over an hour. and how is this fair? this is disgusting behavior and should not be allowed. blizzard pls do something




Selling for $5


Why would they do this? Why not just queue rated? Hello?


They are playing objectives. Maybe you don’t understand how to play AV?

Also, maybe Forums will come back for this thread!? :cowboy_hat_face:

[edit] this post was to the OP (not Juga, sorry!)


Group together in groups of five.
Sit in voice and coordinate your queue.
When the queue pops, verify that everyone got it.
Accept queue.

Horde does it too, sitting in the Alliance cave farming the graveyard. I’ve done premades as Horde.


have you no shame? circumventing the que limit is exploiting


Perfect bait for Forums.


Shame? Nah, waste of time that one. I enjoy queuing with friends, and it just so happens that I have more than five. /shrug


I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a bag of popcorn today.


Horde premade raided AV too before BfA. The only way they won cuz their randoms were too dumb to defend well, for years apparently.


^ This is the right answer to the OP’s question(s).

I played with several Horde premades over the summer (including Hydra etc). I only rolled with 1 Alliance premade, but they worked the same way as the Horde premades. The whole “premade” thing is coordinated entirely on Discord… with a raid leader, team leaders, etc.

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Even on alliance side? I have seen both ally groups now in AV, and I think their success still depends on us solo’ers knowing strat ourselves and supporting their lead. I do not believe they win it “on their own as a premade” unless they were like 35+. Not sure how it works on horde side, because horde side is easier.

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Alliance premades work the same way dude, usually it’s 20-25 premaders and 15 PUG randoms. The PUGs generally follow the herd, so it’s easy to lead them or get them to go where you need them.

You’d be surprised the impact 20-25 organized players can have on the outcome of a 40-man bg. I think I only lost 2 epic bgs all summer whenever I rolled with a premade. The win-rate with a premade is stupidly high… wouldn’t surprise me if it’s 90% or more :grin:


I might be wrong but when I’ve seen Clan and SPM I’m not sure their numbers were 25+. But in the games I’ve been in they seem to choose to play strong defense at first, and there are still randoms running around not listening, especially at the start. Defense as alliance is much more difficult due to the porous trapezoid of SHB to SHGY to IWB to SF, in addition to needing to defend our DB base against horde that can more easily slip through the “SH choke” (lol).

Whatever the case, in AV nowadays a horde premade vs. ally premade should be no real contest unless the horde premade is super bad.


Oh and Gdtroll, I don’t disagree with the 2nd paragraph. Premade (with enough numbers) vs. unorganized - yeah, no good reason for the premade to lose.

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Our numbers vary a lot. On good days we’ll get 25 players, which usually leads us to raid cities, but like tuesday we sometimes only get 15. In which out of the 15, 2 drop due to connection issues (always the same ones too )and the other 5 are sitting north to back cap and ensure a pvp match in AV. Really we win because the King leads the pugs, which is difficult sometimes.


Kettle corn?

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Pretty sure this multiple 5 mans just happened in EOTS. 10 from Tich on horde side. Looked like 5 from one guild, 3 from another and 2 from another. Either that… or it was blind luck …

That is amazing!!! Very clever.

trying to justify premade vs randoms :joy::joy::joy::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::ghost::rofl:

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