Alliance premades in AV

Especially filthy hordies

Yea. Think he read it wrong and thought it was to all. Most multiboxers aren’t kicking people from BGs and drawing even more attention to themselves

Death to the Horde!!! Apparently SPM is horrible and cannot win against pugs or so I now hear. Any hordies wish to test this? If so, gather your friends and meet us on the battlefield of AV Wednesdays and Fridays 8 eastern…after all, this is an mmo and we tout friendship and community do we not?


where is that touted? Definitely not on this forum lol


FYI****The OP is Boomjackson who was one of the main members of the insidious Hydra premade and he participated in unspeakable autracities against the noble Alliance including and not limited to endless hours GY farming for the bloodthirsty title for his dark master Yagamoth instead of burning towers to end the game. DO NOT BE FOOLED MY FRIENDS!!! Evil does exist and must be fought daily. Will you sit idly by or will you fight? The choice is yours to make and SPM has made theirs…


Uhhh… not really. Prime stopped running because the admins, the people putting together the games, leading, etc. got tired of it and decided to do other things. That and the queue times killed Prime, not you sorry to say. Also, as far as SPM single handily “destroying Hydra” I think you are forgetting how much Chicken Hunting came into play in that scenario. I’ve heard you and others take sole credit for this many times now so I have to believe that it is beyond RP at this point. Chicken Hunting Hydra had more to do with it than SPM IMO. When I say Chicken Hunting, I don’t mean Prime, I mean members from SPM, Prime, and non premade groups that just wanted to hunt Hydra. And yes, there was a point in Legion where SPM did win more games against what little of Prime was left. Prime was not even doing premades at the end of Legion.

On the topic of premade vs. pug - premade will always have the advantage, always and in all ways. Sure, no one can beat the toxicity level that Hydra was but a premade vs. pugs is still an advantage and just because you don’t GY farm (technically) doesn’t make the premade somehow “better” or “just”. Just admit - you like playing with friends, that’s all it’s about. If Blizzard wanted to do something about it, they would have a long time ago.


^ All that

The only guild in WoW that plays AV to do the old-school objectives like gathering storm crystals to summon Ivus, upgrading NPC unit armor/strength, etc. Is Clan Battlehammer.

Any other time you queue up, Horde and Alliance will at some point actively ignore one-another. How’s that for PvP?

OP is salty from getting owned by a bunch of dwarf RPers - simple as that.

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Uh, most completely pug games these days involve at least a little bit of graveyard farming and choke action. I haven’t seen a “PVE” AV since the end of Legion.

“At some point”

Mating habits of the common Alliance, abridged addition.

  1. that’s true we didn’t push prime out of AV. We were sad when you started slowing down. While Prime was swinging our matches generally went 50/50.

  2. Though SPM is not the soul reason for Hydra’s destruction we had a major hand in it. I should mention that Prime likely would not have split off from Hydra at all if not for SPM and the forum war game challenges.

  3. The way SPM premades AV is miles better than Hydra’s style in more ways than one. Hydra would refuse to cap any towers or kill Bal then they’d farm the alliance in the GY for as long as they could resulting in extremely massive overturns of allies getting their night crapped on with a deserter buff or an hour long sit in ghost form. Nothing SPM does ever comes close to having that much of an impact on the pvp community. Our games numerically have less impact. That’s a fact

I have literally not seen an AV where people “ignore” each other in months. The most “ignoring” of other players that occurs is people sitting en-masse in towers to “defend” against an attack that never comes.

It’s extremely common for games to come down to reinforcement grind through kills now, premade or solo. When it is a traditional towers then boss game, there is often substantial defense going on in either direction.

Sorry, but I don’t really believe you play Epic BGs in their current state that often if you think people still just run past each other like the last few years.

SPM was fun when it first started out… just a few/handful of us going against the big, bad horde premade… but then it just became another AV premade :sob:


Only cause our enemies folded :persevere:

I never said that SPM didn’t have a hand in taking out Hydra. I was referring to the fact that I’ve heard (many times now) that SPM was the sole reason that Hydra ceased to exist and that is not the complete story.

While it’s true that Yaga and company’s disdain for War Games was a major factor in bringing the rift that had already started to form within Hydra to a head, it was not the true underlying issue as to why Hydra split. The true issue, the one that started long before War Games, was the fact that Yaga wanted ownership and control over everything that anyone did in Hydra. If anyone wanted to do something outside of supporting his own personal HK mission, it was frowned upon. Hydra started to deviate from it’s premise which was that there was no leader and that everyone was free to come and go and do as they please. THAT was the major problem, War Games were a facet of that issue.

Lastly, SPM premades differently than Hydra, yes they do indeed and I don’t dispute that. The manner in which Hydra premaded was in really poor sport and a really bad experience for pugs. That being said, premading vs. pugs in general (irregardless of what group is premading) is also a bad experience for the random pug no matter what color you paint it. I admit that and still consider myself a supporter for premades. Why? Because this game was designed and is better when enjoyed with others.


SPM was fun in the beginning but 5 of us vs a full 40 Hydra was nothing more than a thorn in their side. While that was fun, SPM needed numbers to actually challenge Hydra since a wargame was out of the question.

Also gotta remember SPM took a lot of split queues in WoD because of queue times. I haven’t played with SPM in awhile, but they gave horde premades a run for their money in WoD! Good times.

I feel like there’s this other game where Guilds are supposed to War. I can’t put my finger on it at the moment though.

Then queue for another. Most guilds only run one.

Well, I can’t detail out the history every time I rp pride about SPM vs Hydra. It would lame down the message

Also, I missed a part of your 1st post I agreed with. The friendships that happened after SPM formed together are the only legit reasons we still have for premading. AVs not even broken anymore. It’s just what we do together

Edit: I still say hydra never woulda split without the pressure we put on the cracks

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