Alliance premades in AV

How dare you leave over a hurricane?

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:rofl: Maybe you’ll beat a broken Hydra next time if they ever come back which they wont.
Hope you’re at least beating pugs in BFA :heart_eyes::grinning::sunglasses:

Mizriz has set up many wargames since WoD and CBH was involved. AV wargames are a lot of fun, but the amount of time and effort to get these going can turn some players away. We had some really fun wargames against most AV premades except Hydra, who refused to wargame so we had to find them in their natural habitat, a GY in AV.


Right? I’m a sinner

Most of the time

Yeah, until that one time they found you (SPM) in your keep GY :rofl:

Hey now, there was that one night after a 2 hour convo where they mustered almost 10 to wargame :rofl:


and if blizzard isn’t goin to do anything against the mutliboxers

Mulitboxing in BGs is now against ToS according to a very popular multi boxer and was told he would be banned if caught in a bg.

No. Multi boxing isn’t. That one multiboxer is. But it’s not very popular anyway

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such an old terrible video but bladestorming multiboxers is :heart_eyes:

Multi boxing in BGs isn’t against TOS lol

I know someone who does it every day

I don’t really care about any of y’alls drama, I’m just answering the question as to why large (more than 10) groups of people that like AV might be queueing AV instead of rated battlegrounds.

Because there’s no rated AV, duh.

It is against TOS as they disabled the follow function and you’ve got to use a program to bypass that, Blizzard just doesn’t care. $$$$ for subs ez.

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No you don’t, you can use click to move instead and play the game like it’s an RTS. I assume that’s what Malseph (the “banned” guy in question) does because I’ve scattered his toons with a knockback before and watched them converge again on a point. It looks exactly like click to move.

While I actually think it SHOULD be banned, it isn’t banned. That specific multiboxer was banned because he abused the /report afk system by using all his accounts to vote out players for not following his demands

I’m talking in BGs. You don’t see many in BGs because of follow being disabled.

I thought multiboxer software worked by emulating the keyboard input across all instances of WoW running?

Ya the basic one does, then there’s other things that make it very :wink:
But these programs exist for any form of gameplay, some of the big boxers that were banned were using them. Then the others that remain are using the basic boxer programs for emulation.

Oh and others were banned for lag sharks when they just pump out anything to to lag the server and rely on server catch up (spamming buttons) in the lag window as a boxer will wipe single players tapping buttons in the lag window. But Blizz really lets boxers go, they’re really not that bad for the game in most cases.

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I must have remembered it wrong, i thought he gave a PSA to other multiboxers not to Que, etc. :upside_down_face: That outdoor stuff is fine but BGs were a no no. Either way it’s lame :tongue:

And solo queued randoms deserve to get stomped on those nights!