Zzzz you didn’t play in Legion. I had to farm over 100 wins with SPM for my AV achieve, starting from 0. Calculate that with losses, probably 150 games or more. Got like 30,000 HKS with you guys. I could count on my fingers how many times you were there. 
Plus flag defends…
I played all through legion aside from aside from a couple months due to a hurricane and the last month of legion I quit wow till a month ago.
It’s a shame that outright cheating is so celebrated on these forums.
Premade abusers seem to be treated like pitbulls.
Objectively dangerous and should be put down, but with a vocal fanbase that ignores all reason and logic to support them.
the only game that matters. An epic Ivus summon! This was from wod though
They absolutely play objectives and have fun. I’ve played with them and against them and it is fun. I joined a pug that apparently had enough of us that know AV and we beat SPM. It was a great match. Maybe instead of whining on the forums, you should join one of the Horde groups and have some fun.
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They are queuing as 5…no circumvention. This has always been done. Since Vanilla.
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You should either report us or form a team and wargame us.
You played hardly any Legion, I know this cause I was there, you weren’t. I also know this because of people in SPM telling me how they want you back cause they don’t’ want to play anymore, and before you think it’s the obvious person, it’s not.
Your honor level is very indicative of how much you played. Also your arti lvl and gear you had, you still had WoD pieces on.
Cause AV 1 or 2 nights a week was literally all I did in legion
A lot of groups didn’t run in Legion. Even Hydra was running 5 mans most of it
Yeah and you didn’t even do those lmao. Stop pretending my dude it’s sad.
Looks like the guy capped the cart, Bob. What were you doing while he capping the cart? 
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That hunter is banned from SPM anyway
Welp, Boom got his wish except it wasn’t Forums he summoned. It was bob.
I wanted my 1v1 so I started running over there. Too bad it lasted as long as my first time with a woman. 
Ya, but he played plenty of Legion AVS, right to near the end before the drama! 
Probably because they’re a big RP guild and there are more than 10 of them.
Potentially because they have RP objections to fighting other alliance players.
Most likely because rated AV isn’t a thing and they’re part of a small but strong portion of wow’s playerbase that absolutely loves Alterac Valley.
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Yeah, the drama was while I was away during a hurricane. It was awful. Barely had cell service at the time
I came back and banished it though