You sound like you want to pretend you were there but you weren’t, through any games You had such drama cause of your absence. Don’t pretend bb.
Right, but during those 2 years Prime was drifting away. Not beating SPM
You should raise an army and fight us then Bob. Someone’s gotta
Show us your stuff
shirts vs skins
I pick skins
I don’t like taking candy from babies. It’s hard to beat up on people that lose against to a broken legion Hydra.
False. You thoroughly enjoy taking candy from babies.
We beat Hydra like 100 times in Legion
You’re right but I don’t eat candy, Bob didn’t get into peak alpha shape from eating candy.
I bet he does. He probably posts memes about it on 4chan too
And what about the times you lost to them
on those losses, what were body counts for each group?
Like 2 times
Bob’s all talk and no AV glory
I was there through the games, I had to farm my achievements, not really gonna lie about something that doesn’t concern me. I played the AVS, losses happened, no need to pretend.
I’ve got a lot of unlisted things that I’ve only showed 2-4 people it and that’s it, just don’t really care to put like effort into it.
Dumb things like this half the video is just a black screen cause of fail upload. Showing you the Bob glory of rushing into battle.
& there is this gem, one of the former main members of SPM, this guy defended towers btw, when there’s players like that you’re obviously going to lose.
Bob doesn’t care about skill levels, just the truth! One love.
That’s all well and good Bob, but that’s no proof SPM lost a real number of AVs in the last half of Legion.
Lol Zee was like a bot for a while there always rushing north madly
We can play pretend if you want… Asking for proof of something that was happening 2017 like I’m some sort’ve of filtered archive. Where’s your proof that you didn’t lose? Quite a stupid thing to ask don’t you think?
You didn’t play AV in Legion, or Legion yet alone. Infact, you had to come back for a bit because SPM was losing to premades and PUGS and you needed to get the juice flowing, you going to deny that too? The complaints you were getting that you were losing to PUGS.
It’s ok, I can understand the pride of a unit of friends, but you probably didn’t even play a month of Legion.
Put Yaga on farm in one but it was a win. Good times.
I have proof that we won a lot of premade vs premade matches. I can’t prove a negative though. The burden of proof is yours for claiming SPM lost a bunch
Bob be trolling. I thought Squeek had him caged. Not doing her job once again. If you want a job done right, don’t hire a gnome.