Alliance premades in AV

I seem to remember SPM coming out on top of most battles /flex

DO something about it

Switch Horde and maybe I will :stuck_out_tongue:

Too busy upholding alliance AV glory

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Careful now, sounding an awful lot like AV Leaders of old…

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Which one? Pleb or yogurt?

I was just making a Yogurt joke…you don’t roll in tank spec, though.

I don’t have nearly enough HKs

Pink pigtails could count as anime hair, however

We had such good times back then. When we were young and the BG forums were at war

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Truth is, the great Bob joined spm for some AV wins for his achievement and was not so lucky to get into premade games vs prime, and it ended with the amazing bob destroying the damage board & all the prime players to the point they were repeatedly saying this hunter is ruining us. Once Bob faded away to venture into the jungle and join new tribes SPM began to lose their battles against prime in the second half of legion.

Now this game sucks and not many remain in the snow valley.


We never started to lose against Prime in the second half of Legion.

Sadly that’s when the rivalry really started to fade

The 1st half of legion and the last part of WoD was when the wins were really even

You didn’t play for majority of legion, all you got was fb updates and text messages. Bob was there, through the wins, losses and drama. :male_detective:️

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Show the proof then Bob. SPM dominated the premade scene through legion

Bob’s damage is good and all, but this idea that SPM ever started losing to Prime at the end of legion is just false. Prime was barely even put together anymore at that time

You guys struggled against pugs my good sir. You didn’t dominate nothing, and since when does second half indicate ‘end of’ hmmmm. This is some strange juju :eye:️

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I didn’t even know Prime was running at the end of Legion?

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Lies without evidence

Bob just likes to sound important

Asking for evidence of AV battles that I’d care to save? Interesting. I can go through kady’s vods and find a nice clip of your beatdown. You guys also lost to a Hydra came when Krien was leading. Want to deny that too? Domination my dude, more like submissive. :joy:

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Nope, I heard about that loss.

But go ahead. Go through the VoDs and show us this evidence

They weren’t. Second half means 1 year into a 2 year expansion cycle.