Alliance premades in AV

Wait so Op was with hydra, well this was certainly a 10/10 troll thread!

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Every single time Prime ran into CCC they would start trash talking and even throw the game.

Not every member was toxic but seeing as they continued to run with them, it seems they didnā€™t mind the behavior.

Didnā€™t see the not-a-guy before.

Search ā€œepic bgs spmā€ on twitch. The guy is constantly druid bming people your group kills. Even people that get 5v1d or more. Not a super classy dude.

i think you mean Isa would get triggered by the mere presence of pleb and go donkey brains on everyone

Okā€¦started watching a little (didnā€™t know he started streaming). The few vids are really long so obviously havenā€™t watched all but I saw a few fights so far, including a 2v2 in mines andā€¦nothing.

Not saying he hasnā€™t especially if itā€™s against someone we know, but spending hours watching others game isnā€™t my thing. If you know of something in particular Iā€™ll give it a look though.

Edit: You talking about flag of ownership?

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I didnā€™t really see him trash talking? That is one reason I respect Clan and SPM -
their lead and members are quite polite and respectful and promote the same, even when some randoms not in their group start bashing them (usually for dumb reasons like the game hasnā€™t been won within the first 10 minutes). I donā€™t care if Iā€™m called a ā€œpugā€ or a ā€œrandomā€ because that in itself doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t understand strategy or donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing in an epic BG.


Hold up here. So now that horde premades died (admit it, hydra prime and cupcakes are all non existent) alliance shouldnā€™t premade?

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first we donā€™t openly gy farmā€¦ if we take ibgy to help us keep horde off of ivus summon we might kill rezers to keep ppl out of fieldā€¦ but we actually promote horde to get grouped and ready over farming rezersā€¦ we also have policies against rude emotingā€¦ and as for dragging out gamesā€¦ we play AV how it is suppose to be playedā€¦ we just emphasize defense, and play some objectives that ppl donā€™t usually play anymore that are fun to see (ivus, calvery, and wat not)ā€¦

and if blizzard isnā€™t goin to do anything against the mutliboxers, or toxic guilds that harass ppl and actually try to break the gameā€¦ bg premades are not doing anything wrong eitherā€¦ especially the ones like us that at least keep it sportingā€¦


nice straw man argument buddy. gy farming or waiting to farm rez waves whats the difference? :thinking:

honestly idc if they premade, i have all the cool spm people on btag so they exposed me but im pretty sure they know this was a joke topic. i just wanted to make a tribute to my old buddy forums(r.i.p.):cry:

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Heā€™s probably still here and no one knows it. Anyone can post on a 10+ and no one would know who it is. Level ones are secretive but so are these new forums for anyone.

You just became aware? These two groups have been farming AV for multiple Xpacs, as have their rivals(Hydra and Prime). Although Prime Premades seems to be on a hiatus.
Anyways whatā€™s your point?

Not sure I guess I wasnā€™t there or heard about it, my experience was positive and when other premades wanted to gy farm we pulled back to ibt choke and waited.

Iā€™m aware that some people were always Kos, I guess I didnā€™t care to hear about the back story and was friends with some of them so I certainly was happy to send them to the gy :slight_smile:

Word on the street is Pleb and Isa used to be a thing. Then Pleb found a younger tighter fit.

This has been going on for a long time. Since the beginning really. Guilds deserve a night out you know.

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We destroyed Prime and Hydra out of AV. We need new rivals.

TBF Hydra still runs we think, but maybe in small numbers? We never see them any more

The leaders of Prime drifted away from the game

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Out of all the premade groups Iā€™ve seen, fought alongside, or fought against. Clan Battlehammerā€™s AVā€™s are the most entertaining and fun by FAR. Theyā€™ve never camped graveyards, they hold chokepoints and play objectives to summon old gems like Ivus. I donā€™t really call that exploiting, they arenā€™t doing it with the intent to troll or be jackasses but with the intent to have an epic Alterac Valley.

Groups like Hydra however, they were malicious. Theyā€™d get 30+ people in an AV and camp graveyards to win by resources for maximum honor returns. It wasnā€™t fun, it was a grindfest for the Horde for quick currency.

Out of them all? Iā€™d take Battlehammer ANY DAY. Nor would I ever wish for premades to be removed, itā€™s too awesome to randomly que into one (and yes, thatā€™s coming from a guy whose gotten camped by Hydra in one of these AVā€™s).


And yes, Iā€™m a former member of Clan Battlehammer. They literally did this every Tuesday and sometimes Sunday for fun. FUN. No malicious trolling or camping or anything, just a bunch of dwarves doing Alterac Valley the way it used to be done way back in the day.

Andā€¦ thatā€™s it, thatā€™s all I wanted to get across xD! Most of this was already covered it seems rereading the forum.


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You remember things differently, friend.