Alliance premades in AV

well usually players have fun, it’s how we got some of our guild members after they fought us.
We also get plenty of whispers talking about the fun of it all. Also I’ll mention as well that blizzard puts premades against premades. You won’t get all from the same guild but you will get various premades to match our numbers.
But occasionally there will be a salty individual mad over losing or other reasons that will come to the forums crying about having to actually play the map. Were you in the AV on tuesday? because I remember a certain hpally getting repeatedly killed after being out of postion.


These guys need to be reported.


from the horde randoms ofc :face_with_monocle:. ive ran into you fat smelly dwarves twice this week. it was not fun. pls stop exploiting


Of course it’s not fun if you suck at the game. I’ve run into hydra and SPM that cupcake group tons of times over the years as solo, It never stopped me from having fun.

Just because you dislike it doesn’t mean no one else can.


20-25+ multigroup preform players trashtalking pugs. LOL. You should probably just stay quiet. :stuck_out_tongue:


No one from CBH besides me trash talks. I trash talk because I can and have solo queued against far bigger and more toxic premades and still have fun. Really if you are upset over having to actually pvp in AV then I suggest not queueing up for epics.


Hi Boomjackson!

How goes you ol’ salty dog you?


20-25 preform group versus pugs is real actual pvp, guys. :wink:


15 mate, 2 dropped after disconnection. 5 man group up north, and one bearded king providing leadership to the pugs. maybe get good?

the same boomjackson that ran with hydra?

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the one and the same lol

he trollin’


Is there a community or a link to these guys?

Had some of the biggest fun in alliance 40man premades back in MoP. Good times.


Oh, only 15? So, not quite as lame as the SPM group. Grats!


There’s a limit on groups/raids in randoms for a reason. It really shouldn’t be something to brag about. But :tipping_hand_man:


trolling or salty?

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I was in cupcakes and I tend to think of them as polite and respectful, didn’t stop me rolling ally and joining av when they would que to ghank a few of them.

They were all very nice people and I didn’t see them emote spam, :poop:talk or flag people and they were against gy camping.

I’ve faced a few of the ally premades and they seem to be the same, only 1 horde premade that did toxic things like this that I know of.

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He always managed to pull off both rather well before.

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Which makes it ironic, as the alliance premades tend to sit mid to let the pugs group and organize in order to return back in force. My games against SPM has always been enjoyable, same with hydra prime and cupcakes. Hydra the group that OP belongs to actively farmed players in the GY, kicked pugs on their team, and forced players out of the bg through the portal.

Again no one is bragging, I’m talking trash to a very bad toxic player that was part of a group that purposely attempted to ruin players day.


This is fine. You can’t stop people from just queuing at the same time and using voice to confirm whether to take the queues or not. But, some of the people in these groups are trash people that will use the opportunity to bm others that their group kills.

Just look at the guy who streams for SPM.

Are one or both of those guilds on Emerald Dream? I’ve run into 2 Emerald Dream alliance pre-mades on my horde

I know one person who streams (not a guy). This who we talking about?

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