Alliance premades again

Also, Outlaw. Being able to teleport to any enemy/ally in 25 yds and “teleport” anywhere in los within 40 yds, comboed with Dance (or Sepsis if you’re running a mickey mouse build like me), makes you an extremely effective bodyguard.

I’ve won teamfights by stepping a MM Hunter terrorizing my team and disarming them, then grappling back to my team to Smoke Bomb a friendly healer or something.

And we’re only getting tankier and more threatening in 10.1, Blind/Sap nerf be damned.

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Ooo angy. I was being serious man I asked if when we had a game night is that supposed to be us trying too hard to farm noobs or just us bsing around.

I would be fine with cross faction BGs. I think blizz is concerned with not ‘forcing’ people to play cross faction if they don’t want to, which is maybe the biggest issue.

I still think merc mode for both sides would work because queues would reach an equilibrium as people shift either direction based on queues. Even the ‘dominant side’ does not want to sit in long queues.

I was originally all for cross-faction random BGs, but after all this talk of comparing the Alliance and Horde in randoms…

Yeah no, stay over there. Rushing Stables is funnier than rushing Farm anyway.

Well, i think alliance who solo queue mostly regular (not epic) randoms would need to share their perspective. I don’t know what their win rates are like, but I thought alliance did pretty well overall?

It’s epic BGs that IMO are harder for alliance who solo queue.

^May vary for those who play during a different time of day.


Guess we’ll find out soon how hard these CC nerfs hit rogues.

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It’s already made an impact. Less rogues in bgs right now. No more sneaky caps from sap n cap. Oh what a bore fest these node bgs are going to be. Especially BFG.

Anyone know if Rogues are ok after the patch?

Or are they in dire straits?

Onlyfans jokes with WoW thrown in them “Hey Kthis, that was pretty sweet”

“Thanks, you wanna see more? Join my Onlypriests”

It’s actually funny cuz good rogue will still pull it off

Also taking bases is incredibly easy with 2 people

“Bri take ima fear”


panda racial off


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I think cyclone capping is back on the menu too!

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More off meta comps are gonna form. I’m really looking forward to it

The comp I was playing in rbgs for off nodes (prot/arms) is gonna be really good

I’m excited for this patch :slight_smile:

There haven’t been any rogues around lately, so that’s telling.

Maybe they’re invincible.

I think they’re just loonies :wink:

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I’m glad one of us is…

What you don’t like getting 1 shot by a warlock with all instant casts?

This patch is much worse than 10.0.5 was so far. Warlocks, having to do quests just to get a spark(when we already have the forge unlocked), and honor gear not being unlocked is very stupid. once again. PvPers get screwed over.


Tell um sis :clap:

If observer is not nerfed next week when ssn starts. I’m not playing until it is.
In bgs it absolutely wrecks