Alliance premades again

we should all just reroll blood dk and drown warlocks and their dumb pets

All be in the same guild

Call it “Stormwind Scuba Club”

I may just deal with not having precog ngl.
I DO NOT want to quest, spend an absurd amount of gold that I literally don’t have, just to be “mid tier”

You are a Hunter , why do you need precog at all .

The base-sitter mafia doesn’t want you to know this but…

You can still ninja if you sap and start capping in the same frame. And you’ll actually have an advantage for a while because people won’t trinket it thinking they’ll be able to slap you.

Against people who wizened up? Really more about what you value more: Your opener, or their trinket.

Blind being 5 seconds has taken some getting used to. Gotta make distance now for a reset.

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Heh. Glad this has been, and still is, my main for 15 years now.

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Main Devoker plebian.

Only because of posteres like this. Warlocks always have the most egotistical attitudes. right behind DHs.

A hunter crying for nerfs lol…classic.

I’m not saying they can’t pull it off, but not a lot of rogues are being played and there is a reason for that.

rogue is lame im ok with it

That’s what I used to do all the time anyway. It’s nothing new. The rogue population in bgs has dwindled greatly so it will impact games.

As are a lot of people atm. It will change at some point.

Alternatively you do what I just did now in BFG, where you put a Destro Lock in the sidecar and say hello to the lone Warrior sitting LH.

(He did not survive, nor did his flag)

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lol cool. I understand there are ways around it. The class fantasy for me was being the lone ninja. it’s oK though I have plans with my rogue friend.

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lmao, what ego do I have?

Jugaa I missed you even though you like a rabbit hole…

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haha aww I feel the love.

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