Ok we need to get WS or Hanger or hey did that guy just take Docks…that’s 1% then the last 1% is omfg Hellkitty is throwing pumpkins again…yep there they are flying by
I’d have that option checkmarked 24/7 if it was the case. There’s nothing more frustrating than literally having to rely on luck to not land with a premade, just to have a fair game. I would also guess that it would be quite a popular option and the ‘regular’ queue would end up being premades x premades.
But yeah, for your first example it’s completely truth. Today I landed with a 2 warr 1 hpal that you could tell they were a premade just by how they moved together. It was an onslaught.
So the premade of me an 2-3 friends drunk an high playing casually we are doing it for farm noobs?? Is that what ur saying damn didnt know.
Or maybe I just wanted to do bgs with my homies while we trolled one another an cracked jokes.
I know it’s baffling but people do in fact play this game with one another. I know it’s crazy right. This is an MMO. Not single player. People grouping is like the soul purpose of an online video game.
StarCraft. Hearthstone. Overwatch. Diablo.
2 of those allow people to group up so I’m not sure why throwing that out there was meant to be.
I’ll be honest, I think premading is overrated.
I just find a Hunter or SPriest in distress, save them, and go “I GOTCHU HOMIE.”
And now we’re battle buddies for the rest of the match. Good fun.
Sometimes they even hop into the motorcycle sidecar with me!
Well said! I’m not a very social person IRL but i enjoy the ‘socialness’ of communities with nice people. I like a enjoyable chat about random things. I always prefer challenge/strategy in epic BGs.
Can i ask though - do you primarily play horde? I find solo queueing as horde quite easy to have consistent fun. I do not have bad loss streaks. Alliance is a different story.
Also, on alliance side i feel like it’s hard to find other soloers who will look out for you. I think there are certain class/specs that can look out for others better (e.g. rogue, most melee) but they don’t seem to do so on alliance side.
Agree, and i think blizz is trying to figure out a way to implement cross faction BGs.
I think they should just implement 24/7 merc mode for both sides. That would give people the choice if they don’t want to play ‘cross faction’ - even though they already are since merc mode already exists.
Then everyone (especially all the better PvPers) would play for the winning faction. (And noobs would stay on the losing side because they don’t know about merc mode.)
Queue times would skyrocket for the dominant faction. Games would be even more imbalanced.
Interesting. I don’t play with them. TBH i don’t even know who* they are and when they play.
- by that i mean names in-game
This is the only character I care to really play, so yes. I just had two great matches back-to-back solo. People were on top of things, listened to strats and calls, and were typically good sports.
There was one iffy moment in the BFG I just played where a stressed ret said “for the last time we don’t need LH.” But I explained I was only over there to draw people away from the offense (as is a rogues job when they’re not sitting and can’t outright sapcap, and I imagine will be their main boon in RBGs when sapcapping is a thing of the past next season), and was calling “3 LH” to signal how many might be coming Mines (where the enemy offense was).
He said nothing in retort, said gg when we won, and probably left that instance more knowledgeable. From my occasional visits to the blue team, I don’t think your average Alli would’ve held their tongue or said ggs.
Edit: And if I hadn’t gone LH, I wouldn’t have seen the four or so blues coming up the hill, and wouldn’t have called the Mines incoming early.
Horde can que as Alliance. Does this happen now? Also this is a little out there…
Never seen you before in a premade, do you think you’re cool being “drunk” and “high”, pretty sure no one cares kid.
It’s easy really, it works in rated BGs. They just need to copy that same system and apply it to random BGs.
way to be so serious about it.
Like being serious about LFR PvP, like the premades you run in?
I don’t run premades.
No way dude no one’s as serious as that