Alliance premades again

Using addon to make premades vs random players is unacceptable. It should be premade vs premade (its called rated bg?) random should be vs random. or its totally unfair/unbalanced


No addons are needed

A simple countdown (“5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GO”) in guild/community chat or a vocal countdown over Disc both work


Even for those that use an add on to accept their roles, a manual q by the group leaders is required. With how many my ppl ninja pee every five seconds, sometimes I wish they’d use an add on… :stuck_out_tongue:

Just tell them to use Battleground Commander, less queue misses, happier players.

premades = care and want to win VS randoms = don’t care just here for free honor
premades = work together VS randoms = fight on roads don’t listen
premades = usually have gear VS randoms = some clown leveling in 9 i-lvl gear
premades = friends you know VS randoms = some clown you’ve never met

not sure about you… but I would rather play with people who actually care, have some gear, want to win, play as a team & happen to be my friends =P


There is no addon to sync queues. The leaders manually countdown and press q in sync

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Oh… So that’s what people mean when they write “np” in chat.

All this except with me gear is less of a priority, since if they have the other qualities I want to play with them regardless and they’ll get the gear quickly enough. As for in-game friends i’m super casual about the term so… not sure that matters for me.

premades are the only answer to the afkers, and botters that are rampant on this game.


How can you list all of these problems with random pugs and then think it is fun to premade against groups full of them? Sounds extremely boring to me.


Random implies map, not opponents.


How can you think it’s fun to play with them though?

Stop calling sync q, a premade

I am not really against premades, but also it’s odd Blizzard made it so you can only que with a group of 5 but then just allow people get around it anyway lol. The system is also suppose to match premade vs premade and I am not really sure how when it does that. But that system is only match a premade of 5 vs a premade of 5 not 40 people trying to queue in together. My issue with the epic BG premades in particular is they mostly just try to drag the game out without really doing objectives and just GY camp.

Also, it’s not only Alliance that run these OP.

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I’ve not (yet?) come across ‘premades’ that camp pugs in epic BGs. Either side. I feel like this is a thing only a few specific groups do? Any time i’ve seen a ‘premade’ they win the game and finish. There is a possibility once in a while they’ll try for a certain achievement which may result in looking like a camp.

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Maybe I said OR camp the GY. But either way, they could end the game quickly doing all the objectives but they purposely don’t. But even if they are not trying it just ends up a game of the premade camping the GY.

Yeah sorry this is only my perspective. I’ve not experienced that yet this xpac. It wouldn’t be fun to do that IMO and ofc would never be fun for pugs.

Yea. Tbh, that was a Hydra way of playing. The premades now do the objectives. That I’ve seen anyway.


Technically killing 600 horde players is still playing the objective.