Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

Alliance races just aren’t very interesting.

I like Dwarves but that’s about it. Everything else feels like generic heroic race.

Let’s face it, the Horde is cool.

That isn’t important to Mythic raiders though, which is the only place where there’s an imbalance.

Playerbase in general is pretty even, which is the only place where races matter to folks.

It’s more of a sharding issue. Yesterday or the day b4 ive lost track of time in quarantine lol in naz during the pvp event 40 alliance came instantly (dunno how they knew when it would happen) and capped everything then attacked newhome. Same day there was a group of like 20 alliance in mechagon camping bondos yard mainly but also flew around killing people who were trying to get rares. But horde do dominate more often than not, less alliance go on warmode which then makes horde dominate more then alliance go off warmode, another snowball effect

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source: somewhere

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yeah. Draenei are probably the only race on alliance i like worgen are neat and velfs are alright but horde has much more variety while half the alliance is just humans with different sizes.

That would be RUIN, they run multiple Alliance 40-man groups for every Battle for Nazjatar, flooding every zone with flagged Alliance and often causing so much lag that you can’t even play.

yeah I just started doing naz content because i want flying and the rep boost is up rn, they won every battle instantly, thankfully the grind fron neutral to revered only took 4 days because of the boost.

Just remember: Alliance never turn war mode on.


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Well you just told me to turn it off…

There’s nothing wrong with turning it off. I almost never turn it on, most people I play with seldom turn it on.

The joke is all the Alliance posters who say call war mode “Horde Mode” becasue of this fantasy that Alliance players don’t turn it on.

It seems to be a regional thing. If you play on the West Coast, there are tons of Alliance players running around in War Mode, often in large groups.

In addition to the Nazjatar nonsense (Nazjatar has been considered unwinnable by most Horde players for months, now), I remember going to Mechagon Isle the day they put in the war mode quest there, and there were 3 different 40-man Alliance zergs camping different parts of the island.

Heck, 2 hours after the expansion launched, my leveling group got steamrolled by a 40-man Alliance death squad in Voldun. TWO HOURS after launch. That’s a dedicated gank raid with only one purpose: to screw with Horde players.

The notion that Alliance is outnumbered in war mode is absurd.

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just the lack of content alliance players do i think that drives them to the horde side. people that want to push harder/faster will swap. casual players will go either or.

me personally i’d swap alliance as a horde player because i play alone and now play more casual but knowing my friend who wants to play with me despite we dont even play together he will give me BS just to make me feel bad.

alliance side has some good players tbh but imo many are fairly casual where as the horde side it feels like everyone has that mentality “im a world first raider”

Well I play on both sides. It’s definitely an imbalance when I’m on any of my alliance characters, but other than incursions the only people who go out of their way to attack you are DHs.

So you don’t need to turn WM off, just acknowledge that as Alliance you’re the hyena and the Horde is the lion. They’ll ignore you if you’re happy with the scraps…

Are you in Eastern/Central time?

False. :smiley: Yes we do
We just get ganked by groups, over and over.

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Ganking is universal, and has been since day 1.

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Wasn’t saying it wasn’t.
It’s just how people play. Can’t change it.
If you don’t like it, roll Rogue, or some sneaky class.

Since you’re posting again, what is “the paper”?

I’ve done it, and am not ashamed of it.

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you bring dishonor to us ;(

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I literally just explained how horde racials were buffed lol yes it was due to enemy type being used but it was a massive buff in tot a bunch of bosses were beast which led to trolls being godly.