Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

Alliance is outnumbered in horde mode this isn’t really a question. It’s why alliance always has a 20 to 30% buff and the outnumbered quest every week since it was implemented.


Alliance has a 20 to 30% buff because they cry a lot on the forums.


Uh no it’s based on number of active characters in warmode at the end of the week on each faction which is why it can change week to week. Good try though.


Tell that to Oceania.

Sure Oceanic is alliance dominated but guess what most servers aren’t oceanic. Insisting on staying horde on oceanic is a lot like refusing to go horde on us.

The fact that swarms of Alliance flag just for the free gear (if only briefly) that’s been added since, yet the percentage never seems to change (how mysterious!) is proof that it is NOT dynamic. Nor did Blizzard ever claim it was. It’s certainly not mathematically based like the old Wintergrasp buffs were, it’s just some guy entering a number at HQ. When he bothers to.

“The paper” is metaphorical.
Meaning, something uncommon or unbelievable.

Pacific time zone.

So do I (Hyjal) and whenever I turn war mode on, there are Alliance everywhere. Frequently in massive zergs, sometimes in small groups. Dunno what to tell you.

I play in Proudmoore, as I mentioned. A server with a 80/20 ratio. Alliance to Horde. I play a few other servers though, and this is where I’m seeing a bit of a problem.
If anything, it’s a bigger issue in Classic WoW. Servers like Lucifron and Skeram.
These things are prevalent in Retail too though. Unbalanced servers, are probably the reason cross realms became a thing. Trying to even the scales a little bit.
Proudmoore is one of those servers where the Alliance will have a cup of tea with their pinkie finger sticking out. Completely oblivious, and overconfident.

What zones though? I only frequent the BFA zones, Uldum and the Vale. Things have got better of late, but I don’t do the dailies until midweek.

i play gmt+3 but im on a pst server and i see alliance everywhere in massive zergs as well.

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nazjatar and mechagon are where i see most alliance, we usually outnumber them in vale. Uldum is pretty even from what ive seen.

BFA zones, so Zandalar, Kul Tiras (including Mechagon) and Nazjatar.

Been swarms of Alliance in all of them since the expansion launched (see my story above about being steamrolled by a 40-man Alliance death squad in Voldun 2 hours after the expansion launched).

Okay, yeah. I never go to those places other than the starter questline in Naz.

Good to know. Thank you

Have you even MET a Belf in warmode? :rofl:

You can’t go five minutes without seeing a DH… of course I’ve seen BEs

I love running into DH’s. Their class color code is appropriate, since they’re grape-colored.

They pop when you fight them, like grape jelly.

TBH in times like these, it’s somewhat pointless when it comes to discussions involving faction unbalance usually since it comes out as “whining” or “complaining” to the opposing side whether or not you drop stats on them.

IMO, I don’t think anything will drastically change unless things escalate way worse than it already is or becomes bluntly apparent how bad it is like how it was back when BC dropped. And since the WoW team has changed so much through the years, And I don’t think this is something they care about or even bother looking into. So nowadays usually just save face it, since that’s the only thing we can do.


The answer is clearly high dwarves.