Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

Anybody who thinks it’s just 1 person making daily threads the past 3 months about “POOR ALLIANCE! BLIZZARD MUST DO SOMETHING!” hasn’t been reading the forums.

That’s a terrible idea. There would be absolutely no-pop Alliance side. Did you mean to the low-pop side?

Ive also read that alliance to horde pop is like 48-52 until blizzard gives us public info we shouldnt act like anything is confirmed.

Horde got 3 reskins and 2 unique ones, alliance got 4 reskins and one potato so yeah i guess thats fair

I mean, idk why this would matter to the average alliance player. Who cares what the top percent does

Havent got my ally max yet so idk about this

Pretty sure alliance and horde share auction house could be wrong about though.

Both factions have different strengths, the races with racials that are worth using (IMO) are:
alliance:mechagnome (their healing passive is great and their profession racial is useful for every profession combo,imo the best race in the game too bad they are gnomes),dwarf(stone form can help a ton sometimes), night elf(shadowmeld is probably the best racial in the game and the wisp is good flavor), human(free medallion and increased rep gains, need i say more?), void elf(their portal racial is awesome and the resistance to spell pushback is pretty good for spell casters as well,discount on mog is what really makes them a great race), and maybe kul tiran (punch can be great in pvp).
horde: trolls(beserk is very good),orcs(blood fury is pretty nice and their stun resistance makes them the best choice for pvp most of the time),tauren(war stomp is pretty good, shammy stun basically) goblin(rocket jump is very good in some situations) and vulpera are basically just for flavor but their camp is a great QoL racial.
I dont think giving OP racials to alliance is the solution. The racials are pretty balanced imo.

We got shafted in legion and in bfa no one had anything going for them except sylvanas who was the star of the show. The apparently fearsome zandalari fleet is destroyed super easily and their king just dies right away and alliance just got sucked up by nazjatar i guess???

I agree. they shouldnt allow faction transfers to horde, just out of horde.

dunno what you mean by this, is it too hard? is it hard to make a group? i dont know why a 5-15% pop difference would make it impossible to join an active guild or make it noticeably harder to make a group on lfg.

Switching to horde wont magically fix this many guilds I have been in dont even think of running mythic. At the end of the day, I think this problem is blown way out of proportion. Alliance used to outnumber horde by a large amount and the game didnt die because of it, and tbh i dont know the exact reason as to how we became the more populated faction, but this is a player created problem and blizzard can’t do much then they already have. They give alliance more bonuses and im pretty sure they get more weapon caches. They could make a race that has like 1% better damage just to make the min maxers switch but i doubt it would make a big difference. There is no easy solution that blizzard can do to make people want to leave horde. They could prevent alliance from switching to horde but the existing horde players probably wont leave. I think giving everyone with a max horde alt a faction change that can be only used on horde chars would do a little. IDK, i feel like im rambling but I dont think horde has it much better. The easiest explanation for it would be that its a snowball effect. People see that horde has a surge of popularity in MoP/ WoD and reroll horde, alliance who have friends who re rolled also re roll, and it keeps continuing, like I said b4 this is a player caused problem and there is only so much blizzard can do without giving alliance actual unfair advantages that makes the horde experience feel bad/frustrating. The game should be fun for everyone.

But I mained horde for 10 years. :frowning:

Overall Horde participation in Arena is much higher - it’s much easier to get to a high rating on Alliance, so lots of Horde players do that.

Don’t get me wrong though - if the trend of a Blue-ish leader board continues in Arena, PvP participation might just fix itself in about 8 years or so. That’s kinda what happened with Horde.


But when Alliance is dominant.

I assure you, i will be telling people the same stories about how it’s a player made issue.

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The way the population is going, likely alliance will never be dominant again. It’s more likely that alliance end game will slowly die out as people move horde.

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I’ll be the only person left on alliance then. Ahh well.

I’ll be honest, I stopped reading after the first couple words, what with the lack of pictures… But if Blizzard seriously wanted more players on the Alliance the solution is simple: Tuskarr.

No, rpers and such will still be alliance. I’ll likely still be alliance too, if I even keep playing. If I can’t prog in a pug I’ll likely stop playing.

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Blizzard doesn’t want more people playing Alliance, why would they when the factions are already pretty balance between overall populations.

To address your question. It’s the fake difficulty of Mythic Raiding. Added mechanics, damage, and health pools. It’s not real difficulty in the slightest. It’s just made to be a complete pain.

Oh i agree some of the nyalotha bosses take so much coordination its infuriating but I dont see how this is a faction related issue

^^^^ Thank you for being honest.

Folks, the reason there are fewer Mythic raiders Alliance-side is because SO MANY ALLIANCE PLAYERS DON’T CARE ABOUT MYTHIC RAIDING.

The reason that Mythic teams have been shifting to Horde isn’t because of racials (Alliance racials are better) or gear (Alliance gets more gear) or bonuses (Alliance gets better bonuses) or anything else to do with the game itself, or anything that Blizzard does.

The reason Mythic raid teams go Horde is because the Alliance playerbase doesn’t want to raid.


Allied races could’ve helped, but Blizzard made recolors

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I agree with this but

idk, all players want to progress as much as possible im not sure this is correct. There must be a better answer but this might be the right one, who knows?

Yeah they couldve given alliance ankoan ik for sure i wouldve made one


I guess you don’t do many world quests/invasions. You either have to play in the wee hours of the morning (as Alliance) or group up to complete any objectives. Even then, you’re often swarmed by larger numbers of Horde.

I like the wPvP aspect, so I’m not turning off WM unless there’s a timecrunch and I have to get a quest done ASAP. And the supply chests are available via WM.

Blizzard has done their very best to make raiding as unappealing as possible, both by making it a painful chore and also by giving rewards from far easier and faster methods (M+, visions, etc.).

Mythic raiding is suffering on both factions. The top 2 guilds on my server (both Top 50 guilds around since vanilla) both went belly-up this expansion.

People can “progress” just fine without raiding, and this has had a heavier impact on the Alliance side, where people have less interest in raiding in general.

Or just turn off war mode like most players do (Horde and Alliance).

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