Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

I’m sure most of you know, but by now the Horde has a way higher population. Putting it bluntly, I’ve read somewhere that we have as many players as there have been faction changes bought.
Why has Blizzard not addressed this? It was a problem in WoD, and Legion. Now it’s becoming a crisis.
I’m thinking of causes. Allied races, raid progression, Mythic keys, AH prices, and PvP all come to mind. Not to mention, Racials, or story.
Horde players may not care now, but they will when they no longer have people to compete with in BGs, Arenas, or World first.
I want to hold out, and stay. I see people faction changing as an issue all together. You shouldn’t feel compelled to become part of that issue. I’m ultimately thinking about a faction change though. I can barely get through a Heroic, I dare not try Mythic raids.


I’d roll Alliance if Kul’Tirans actually had a face that didn’t look like a thumb as per my thread.


I know you’re not taking it seriously, but for that being the first post. I died.


Player made issue.

Paradigm shift folks.

The “oppressed” side will not be happy regardless.


I AM actually being serious though.

I like bears, I would roll one if the ones in this game didn’t look like ancient year old unkempt men.


I mean… You aren’t wrong. I guess they figure ugly can balance out pretty? Horde races are ugly, that’s a big reason I didn’t roll Horde. Till pretty elfs came in, then there you go. Nearly extinct? Even Blizzard took that out of the intro, the race lives on with the players. Lmao

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the cause is 100% that the end-game talent has been shifting horde over the years. it’s a snowball effect that has been gaining speed.

at this point, the majority of the raiding/high end m+ population is hordeside, if you want to do those things, it behooves you to also be hordeside.

thus the cycle continues

it has nothing to do with racials (it hasn’t for a very long time) and it 100% has nothing to do with the story. end-game players aren’t going to make a choice on faction based on story in enough numbers to be statistically important.

I was alliance from early wrath up to 8.3, finally threw my hands up and admitted that the alliance-side-mythic-raid-recruiting-boss finally beat me.

make the change. it’s so worth it.


This doesn’t really affect PvP because RBGs and arenas don’t consider faction, horde can fight horde. And regular BGs have merc mode, horde can play as alliance.

Also, the trend for PvPers is moving back towards alliance atm anyway. Pretty much the entire top of the ladder has gone back to alliance over the last 2 seasons.

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probably as obnoxious as running dungeons and raids with people too dim to understand that people are people regardless of the faction they play.


Not even that. All things considered, it’s the fact that people don’t know how to play their class. I’d take a Arcane Blast spamming mage over the one that stands in fire and claims it’s because they have to make their casts.

No it’s not it’s a blizzard made issue. When Alliance had a 20% faction gap blizz buffed horde racials and gave incentive to go horde when the trend has completely reversed they just throw their hands up say they have tried nothing and are all out of ideas.


Sure, but explain this part for me please.

Depeche Mode FTW


They should really just offer free faction changes and guild changes for the less populated faction.


And what should Blizz do… better that then just ‘‘why won’t anyone think of the children’’ type posts.

Last I checked… it’s a people thing… :sheep: baaaah

Is there part of your statement missing?

And completely kill that pillar that once made WoW what it is? Faction’s are just that… a Pillar of the game. You’re killing a problem, by making a problem

They just need to get rid of the faction divide. Let Alliance group with Horde if they want to do content.

No, faction divide is not important anymore. Not from a mechanics perspective, not from a PvP perspective, not from a story perspective…

… at least it better not be. Anyone who comes up with the idea: “Let’s do another faction-conflict story this expansion!” needs to be sent off to work on mobile titles.


It is objectively a Blizzard created problem that there are 2 factions in the game, and Hardcore players enjoy all homegnizing on one faction for endless groups in the LFG tool.

It’s a player solution to a Blizzard problem.

Also this only affects Hardcore players. Not Casuals.

There is no population imbalance that affects people who don’t do high keys and anything above Heroic Raiding.

And you get more edgy people complaining that they want no part with alliance. It’s a lose-lose here.