Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

Bottom line is there’s no problem, Ion said the population is quite balanced actually, only the hardcore players are mostly on Horde.

If you’re complaining about population balance right now, you’re basically saying the game population should be balanced around hardcore player, which is not what LFR heroes at GD should say.

What you should say is stuff like “game shouldnt be balanced around the 1%” or stupid stuff like that.

Not even hardcore, just hardcore Mythic raiders.

The same people GD always says shouldn’t matter.

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Welcome to merc mode.

It was introduced when Alliance was dominate by the way.

Never cared for it’s concept really.

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This is also something that Modern WoW introduced. Not something that accounted for the problems of Vanilla or BC.
It’s in short, a quick fix… That will help you get wins.

This is actually true :rofl:

Most of the time their source of frustration comes from Halls of Fame or Top 10 guild transferring to Horde.

Some of us would still like to see where OP is getting their nonsense from.

Not sure about Blizzard’s stance on the imbalance, however I do know that mechagnomes did not help

You don’t see it as an issue with the long-term health of the game if the gap between [H] and [A] continues to grow?

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You didn’t have a problem with it for 14 years when Alliance outnumbered Horde, so…

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I was not talking about BC or vanilla.

At least in this instance.

It was also a problem in vanilla and BC and Wrath and cata and MoP and every expo and every mmo that has used factions.

44/100 of the top 100 are Horde. That is hardly ‘dominated’. Compare this to the number of Alliance guilds in the top 100 PVE.

It’s almost like the content that requires the least amount of players (3) is going to be least affected by overall population disparities. Looking at RBGs, they’re also horde dominated.

Are you crazy?

The disparity between RBG vs Arena is for the same reason as the Mythic raiding disparity: Players who value teamwork flock to Horde, players who are more individual in their playstyle flock to Alliance.

Nothing Blizzard can do about that.


And it consistently shifts as time goes on anyway.

They acknowledge it, but as if yet haven’t done anything beyond make the hall of fame, which has done absolutely nothing in regards to slowing the snowball effect. What they need to do is allow cross faction content, but so far they refuse to consider it.

Except you’re wrong about arenas.

Arenas are actually pretty even. This suggests the problem isn’t with the player skill, rather it’s just a matter of having a larger enough population to be competitive.

When you include that second page for arenas and go to the top 200, horde actually pull ahead.

No, but the Alliance playerbase is certainly hypocritical.

FACT: Alliance outnumbered Horde for 14 years.
FACT: Alliance players were fine with this.
FACT: Horde players didn’t complain about it.
FACT: For the past year, Horde has outnumbered Alliance by about the same margin that Alliance outnumbered Horde for 14 years.
FACT: Alliance players are screaming every day that it’s the end of the world, as a result.

Hypocrisy in action.


It hasn’t shifted in 5-6 years. It just goes farther and farther in the same direction.

You realize the playerbase isn’t one person?

And your anecdotal experience with a few dozen, maybe hundred players is not representative of the millions that compose the population?

This “waaa bunch of alliance made fun of me on the forums so all alliance deserve it” is a very kiddie attitude

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