Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

Blizz needs to put out the feelers and see what potential AR may be the most popular. Alliance vulpera may have actually enticed Horde players to roll an Alliance toon.

(Humor): Oh I think they know what potential AR would be the most popular.


No we wont.

Heroic Raids require aren’t difficult yet alot of people seem to have trouble with them

What? Crippled sand gnome?

It just didn’t make sense. Why would Vulpera, a race in Zandalar join the ally?
I think there’s a lot of good points being made though. Considering.

(Satire): No, High Fae.

what paper

And this is where i get confused.

You are trying to compare people quitting the game versus people playing either side of it instead.

Because it’s not.

Like i mentioned above with vanilla world of warcraft.

Despite Horde being stronger with racial traits, people picked Alliance over them because they were “pretty”.

Was it Blizzard’s fault Horde was outnumbered?

No… more people just wanted to make a “pretty” human and elf.

And now in classic people are playing Horde over Alliance because simply that is paradigm shift. People realized Horde has better racial traits.

It was the player’s choice to pick racial traits over possibly dealing with aesthetics and looks they might not even like.

I mean… if sub numbers become a problem then they can make changes to the game and not faction specically.

Y’know… like making a set of new customization for everyone and removing corrupt/warforged/titan forged whatever it’s called items.

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This 100%.

It does not, and according to Blizzard the split is pretty even. The last data we had from realmpop had a 54/46 split in Horde’s favor. For over a decade, there was a 54/46 split - or higher - in the Alliance’s favor. And that was fine, apparently.

The moment that the shift is to have slightly more Horde players, it’s suddenly the end of the world.

Why is that, OP? Why was a decade of Alliance-heavy population fine for you, but a year of Horde-heavy population tilt a problem?


Not sure what they can do to really reverse the trend, but I’m still team blue on this character ever since I made it.

I have made a Horde character in even a high server on US and it is insane how many people are active there.

You acknowledge it’s a (player caused) issue.

What should Blizzard do?

That is your answer?


(Commentary): I remember reading a post someone made as to how it could work. Basically Nisha and Kiro are polar opposites. Nisha would want to go after the Alliance for attacking their caravans, while Kiro would want to try a diplomatic approach, similar to what he did with the Sethrak. Nisha would’ve met up with Ji Firepaw and learned more of the Horde’s history with the Alliance, while Kiro would’ve met Aysa Cloudsinger and learned more about the Alliance, and resolved the matter peacefully with Anduin. When the two meet again Nisha calls Kiro a traitor, Kiro states Nisha is far too hotheaded and bloodthirsty, and then Vulpera just choose which of the two they see as the better/stronger leader.

(Commentary): Personally, I don’t think it’s the worst suggestion I’ve ever heard, but at the same time, BFA is a faction conflict expansion, and even if Vulpera were coming in at the end of it, I imagine the Devs didn’t want to start with neutral allied races.

Yes sir.

Well they consistently gave Alliance the better racial traits for allied races.

And war mode incentives.

That is something.


I think it was nice of them to try regardless even though people will march towards the “cute foxes” or “pretty elf races” regardless.

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I’d also like to know from where the OP is getting this nonsense.

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I agree with you but the definition of Hardcore in WoW is probably different than in the real definition of what a Hardcore Player is. If you log on for 10 hours and take the AH very seriously, you haven’t leveled a toon passed lvl 80 since Pandaria, and you do literally nothing but play the Ah you’re a hardcore gamer. If you log in to take pet battles very seriously, you’re playing like 10 hours, and again you only focus on this then you’re also a hardcore gamer. In WoW vernacular, you’re not hardcore because you’re not doing the “real” end game. Hardcore and Casual depends on your own level of dedication, but it doesn’t really matter what that content is to fit that definition.

I agree that WoW has a different meaning to Hardcore so calling a Hardcore Gamer that’s extremely dedicated to strictly Pet Battle pvp and collecting, leveling etc, isn’t really applicable in the WoW community.

So I didn’t mean to say only Hardcore. This was my bad.

There are plenty of heroic raiders that honestly take what they do serious. They also are apart of the 200 Alliance and Horde progression Mythic guilds that open up the hall of fame so we can do cross-faction Mythic Raids.

You’re right. What we in the community here call semi-hardcore, are the most affected by it. Even more so than the top 1% of the 1% like Method and Limit.

That is a phenomenally dumb scenario

To be fair, they can already play both sides in BGs in merc mode. I’m pretty sure arenas aren’t faction locked, meaning you can fight against the same faction already. And the world first is practically all horde guilds already.

Arena is also dominated by Alliance.

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