Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

And the ball is going to be in Blizzard’s court on whether they’re okay with that being the case or not.

“and if you don’t play horde, you either need to level a horde character, or pay us money for a boost/transfer”

Honestly wouldn’t put it past Ion to say something like that

“if you want high-end raiding, horde is there waiting for you”

They clearly are if you haven’t noticed…
And if ‘‘cross faction play’’ is the only answer as it currently stands then I’m sure we will be in this predicament for a long time.

I never said it did/would really.

Player made issues are not something the devs can or should bother fixing.

It’s being addressed when Alliance gets warmode gifts.

And consistently the superior racial traits for allied races compared to Horde’s.

And clearly that has not solved much, and i say… why bother trying?

In original vanilla Horde were outnumbered by Alliance even though Horde had the better racial traits overall.

But that did not matter… Alliance was the pretty faction.

Thank you. Someone finally said it. It’d be amusing to say the least.
Otherwise, you got the issue down in one statement. Higher raiding pop, means people are going to go to the side with more of it.

I don’t think it’s as clear as you imply.

In BFA they did not acknowledge it as an issue, yes there was an imbalance but it was not significant.

They have yet to speak on the issue in a while, and certainly haven’t addressed any hypotheticals regarding when it becomes “significant”

They have a face that matches their physique. You mean to tell me you don’t do neck curls? Gotta have a big head, big mouth and big masticators to be an 8ft strongman

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Fair point. Fellow Pandaren.
I don’t object to it either. Let it get worse, let it shatter what’s left of the pillar that are Factions.
I’m a firm believer that Factions are a huge reason for WoWs past success.

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They have acknowledged enough of it during SOME interviews to see that they aren’t even thinking about it and don’t see it as an issue.

People go with the herd… the higher pop is horde and so they go there. Blizzard still has people play, buy faction, server transfers… you think they care when their numbers speak more for them then how many alliance get in a hall of fame… get real.

You just hit my analogy “Player made issues are not something the devs can or should bother fixing”

If all their players start quitting the game, it is a played caused issue. They should still bother trying to fix that. Defining something as a player caused issue is meaningless. It doesn’t necessarily mean they need to address it or not.

It sounds like your argument is essentially “it doesn’t matter how imbalanced the factions should get, Blizzard should ignore it because it isn’t their problem”

That’s a pretty silly stance if you ask me, seeing as how they run the game its success or failure ought to be the only problem they are concerned with. And if the faction divide continues to grow, it presents a problem with the long-term success of the game should they continue to ignore it.


If your complaining about your faction. You better be doing some things to make your faction better. I don’t see any of you trying to lead guilds and communities. Y’all are just sitting and there and being like “This game is so biased towards the Horde! Force people to play my faction Blizzard!” Start creating communities. People will come.

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This cow is right

You aren’t thinking long-term. It’s not a dire issue now but the problem is compounding.

If down the road when it becomes a serious issue they want to solve it then with cross-faction play, then they’re probably fine regardless.

Last I checked there was an imbalance always… sorry to break it to you.

You should stop getting baited by trolls.

No one will force anyone to play Alliance. That’s not a possibility you should even consider.

When the cow moo’s we turn and look at words of wisdom.
You have a point, yes. I am a guild leader, when my GM isn’t around. Which is all the time.
It’s a player caused issue heavily influenced by Blizzard’s past choices.
Can we agree on that?

Also. There’s alot of Alliance who simply don’t want to try. Or somehow lack the capacity to play their own class well.

Well if you want to be a wiseass about it, imbalance isn’t an issue in-of-itself.

The issue is with the degree of imbalance, and always has been. Small imbalances pose no issue. Large ones do.

It’s not a large issue right now, but it’s steadily growing larger. If that trend continues, it will be a large one.

THANK YOU! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve met someone who just face rolls on their keyboard, and expects an outcome. They just don’t care. Classes being pruned hasn’t helped.

And a player thing that Blizzard hasn’t fixed, tried to, but doesn’t work and don’t want cross-faction game play YET but by all means keep campaigning for it to work.

(Commentary): Mercenary Mode will take care of that. On an unrelated note, I do understand what you’re getting at. I’ve been considering moving from Wyrmrest Accord to Moon Guard on Exacitor here, because Wyrmrest is a much more Horde dominated server, whereas Moon Guard has a larger Alliance population.