Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

Yeah, i don’t understand it either.

I played an Undead at launch. You know… tig ol bitties barely hanging on by a thread? I played for lore, and story purposes. Most care for aesthetics though, and a lot of people wanna go roll midget goblins with fur.

No, it’s what I’ve been trying to ask… how do you get Blizz to solve something that is a player made issue.

Create OP racials? (Creates more imbalance)
Create cooler races? (Creates more imbalance)

You aren’t helping anything also… I get your point, you are doing what others are doing… not answering the problem.

Blizzard is between a rock and a hard place.

Forcing players to equally move to Alliance? lol

Now get Method and Limit go ALLIANCE, watch how that dynamic changes like it was earlier (without Limit of course).

That’s probably a pretty normal occurrence in your life

I didn’t say every horde player. And how does what you want not be a band aid. I can play this game also lol… (I’ll flip the table without really giving good points that aren’t just conjecture).

You’re the one that said it is. Back up your argument.

You said I was sounding like I was speaking of all horde players… and you replied to me… how about you back up whatever you want to argue with me. I can nit pick these things too and just tell it’s on the person.

No one would propose creating OP racials.
No one would propose intentionally imbalanced racial design.
No one would propose forced faction transfers to Alliance.
These are irrational and not actual solutions anyone would suggest unless they’re a forum troll.

You’re right the problem is complex, but it’s also significant and one that should not be ignored.

An immediate band-aid would be offering free faction-transfers to whichever faction is underpopulated if the imbalance exceeds x% on a server. Numbers are up for negotiation, point is limited free-faction transfers for the less populated faction presents a short-term bandaid.

The only permanent long-term solution I can see is to allow limited cross-faction play with heavy restrictions. Ion said he has no plans to do this at Blizzcon, but hopefully this is a classic-wow type thing where they realize it’s for the best.

Method and Limit need to be on opposites and fight each other.


I just fail to see why it’s not a player made issue.

Mechagnome racial traits offer a lot more than vulpera’s racial traits.

The only one people can support is nose for trouble.

Compare that to combat analysis and the auto heal along with a potential aggro switching button.

Not to mention lockingpicking bypass on classes that don’t even need to be Rogue.

Which is very unique utility by the way.

I was hoping you could elaborate on your curios analogy.

But if you choose to act like this instead, then i should not stop you from avoiding a conversation.

How do you want to solve that high end players are going horde because there is a larger pool of them on horde already?

Even if you make Alliance and Horde perfectly balanced the Horde will still have a higher raiding pop because they have no real reason to jump ship.

If any new player interested in raiding pops. They move horde because the raiding pop is with horde.

You need to handicap the horde’s effectiveness to make them quit or transfer. I have a tub of popcorn saved for that day if it happens. :+1:


I thought I was clear.

The point is both would be player caused issues. Defining something as a player caused issue does not solve the issue. What is the point in saying it’s a player caused issue? Are you trying to say it isn’t something that needs to be addressed?

Exactly this.

Because you did. If a Horde doesn’t want to group with an Alliance, fine. But acting as if that’s going to be commonplace if they ever allowed cross faction grouping isn’t quite factual, is it?

You’re the one who brought up that it’s a band aid. I asked why. You refuse to answer.

Have a nice day.

Blizzard isnt fixing it or even seriously mentioning solutions, only way for change to happen is to MAKE THE PROBLEM WORSE, everyone should move to horde and let the alliance die off completely.

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The only permanent long-term solution is cross-faction play in a limited scope with heavy restrictions.

That or just tell the players “if you want to raid high-end, you have to play horde”

Then don’t reply to someone if all you are doing is poking them for an answer. Either pony up and write something meaningful to engage such a discussion or don’t waste my time.

Geez, this is the second time you waste my time with this pointless meandering.

I think everyones’ got that memo by now :rofl:

Hey… that’s one way of doing it :thinking: