Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

When WoW Realm Pop was still functional (Blizzard broke functionality with recent updateds), the faction split was pretty even, and actually Alliance favored from an overall character perspective. When you looked only at max-level characters, it shifted slightly to horde side. When you start looking at specific populations like raiding guilds and PvPers, you start to see the data really skewing towards horde. The website is gone, so I can’t really give specifics, but that’s what I remember from last looking at it. WoW Progress will give you a sense of the raiding populations, but that’s a fraction of the overall population.

They base those numbers of characters (not players) who have defeated heroc+ bosses of last tier. All that is showing is the known issue of horde having a larger poll of raiders, not more players.

That doesn’t omit my point there lol… these are just band aids that don’t fix the main point of concern… you just won’t change peoples’ attitude to the Alliance.

I can’t seem to stick to Horde… I gravitate back to Alliance. I don’t really care how many people go horde or to the maw… :wink:

OK Karen…

What do you even mean ‘player made issue’

You realize if everyone quits playing their game, it’s a ‘player made issue’ ?

That doesn’t mean anything


Ouch that hurt… not… :rofl:

Then how is it not a player made issue that sheep follow top guilds over to horde… :thinking:

Probably from Bob that work for Nintendo.


It is a player made issue because raiders go horde because raiders go horde.

Bob from Nintendo is a reliable source!


I’m not saying it isn’t.

I’m asking what is the point of defining it as a ‘player made issue’

It doesn’t solve or address anything. What is the point.

“Everyone is quitting the game”
“Well, that’s a player made issue”


Read the above post

But no one said everyone is quitting, quitting and faction imbalance are two separate issues that have two very different and definitive points to contest.

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People wanna call it a player made issue so they can sweep it under the rug and not address the problem.

Not many people are asking WHY it’s a player made issue. And the answer to that is Blizzard creating cooler and more enticing content for one faction over the other.


Okay but you’re missing the point of the analogy

and still not answering my question.

We’ve established if tons of alliance quit or transfer horde, it is obviously caused by those players. It’s a ‘player made issue’

So what? What is your point, that since it’s a player made issue it’s not a problem Blizzard should try to solve?


It’s nice to know this conversation turned into bitter Alliance mad that it’s not simple as “alliance pretty” “Horde ugly monsters”. :roll_eyes:

Pretty sure that was because Trolls happened to meet a specific enemy category.

I mean…they introduced merc mode just to give Alliance fast queue times.

And emfh did not get fixed until mid to late legion iirc.

And around that time they also finally nerfed blood elves arcane torrent.


But you explained literally everything but,

Or either you did already and i did not see it.

Clarify please, i was not expecting a mountain of text.

How doesn’t it fix things? How is it a band-aid? People could cross group and people could cross guild. Don’t want to be in with Alliance? Then don’t. But it gives Alliance players more of a pool to raid with.

You act as if every single Horde player hates Alliance players. That’s not true.

If a community causes an issue, it’s up to the leaders of the community to fix it.

This is basic common sense.

I love the faction system and believe it’s a core part of the franchise, but if things keep tipping and people don’t transfer back, the only thing that can be done is allow grouping cross-faction. I’ve already lost enough friends to this and I don’t want to pay extra to follow and not play my favorite race just for 18-20 keys.


It affects semi-hardcore mythic raid teams more than anyone. You can count on your hands how many truly hardcore guilds exist in this game. Limit, Method, and uh…

Not a problem Blizzard can fix easily at this point.

Best bet is to open all LFG content to cross faction and call it a day.