Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

How is that? If they offered many Horde guilds and players the option to freely transfer to the Alliance up to a certain cap, I do not see how it would be a negative.

A lot of Private servers already do it. So it works, but there’s still a lot of issues with the idea in itself.

Then let them post threads in the forums about it with 3 upvotes with the comment beneath “OK Karen” having 60. That’s fine.


Why would they want to faction change. That’s the question… t here is no reason for the majority.

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that part being

No way Human Paladin. We don’t look kindly on bubble-hearthing.

If that’s all you think it’ll be then god bless your soul :rofl:

Pffft. Blood Elves Bubble Hearth just as much as Humans do.



25% Warmode Bonus. Customization changes and racial tweaks. Easier to be the top guild of the faction when you have less competition. I’m not saying it is 100% a solution or even THE solution.

But it would encourage some population to return - especially when they are not limited by the sunk cost of having to transfer previously.

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No Tauren has ever done it.

Zandalari Paladins have become the king of the Pally Bubble.

Bubble, use healing racial in bubble… simply the best and most simple combo using that Zand. racial.

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Free Transfers back to the less populated faction is kind of incentive to go and play the most populated side and take care of specific achievements. Then come back. It’s a system that’d be exploited is what I’m saying. More over, Faction changing should have never existed to begin with.

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Horde had no aesthetically attractive class at game launch which led to a massive faction gap which is why they gave horde blood elves and buffed racials eventually in mop wth bosses being beast it hit a tipping point where a ton of top alliance guilds went horde. In WoD horde racials were nerfed which led to a reversal due to emfh and that was quickly fixed. In legion with the advent of M+ suddenly you wanted to be on the same faction as other top players outside your guild to push and it was exacerbated by how strong goblin racial was on KJ.


I don’t necessarily disagree but this is really just a sheep follow top guild situation. Most switched Horde way back when… community perception changes and they just don’t see any incentive to change Alliance 'cause their inner edge lord speaks to them even though they are now 30, 40 or 50 yrs old lol.


Gotta say… I play both sides and I run into A LOT more obnoxious and/or unskilled players on horde.

I know it’s because horde just has a larger population (so a larger population of both good and bad players) but geez is it noticeable.


That’s because we know you’re a Dwarf infiltrator.

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I was a Horde main years before being Ally. I know what it’s like on both sides, and you’ll always get crappy players on either or. Statistically? More on the alliance.

Source? Horde has a larger raider and pvp pool, but that seems to be it.

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WoW Progress Realm list.
I play Proudmoore, one server where we still outnumber Horde players.

I still have yet to see these supposed numbers.


This should have been a thing already.

Then find another guild/group.

Exactly what I was thinking.

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