Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

It’s already at the level it was when bc dropped and it’s going to get worse arguably it’s already worse because the population is much lower.

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Damage was done at the end of Wotlk into Cata. Blizzard never recovered, and probably never will.
Here’s the kicker though. Most of us are in our 20s or 30s now. We have lives to attend to

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This is all very insulting given how similar Kultiran’s are to me.

It’s been an ongoing problem since before WoD actually.

The story isn’t a cause. It’s been about raiding and dungeons. Initially dealt with some racial abilities as well that gave utility in the previous, but as time has gone on…it’s been more about finding players to play with at all.

The issue is even bigger than it seems, half of the Alliance players (and most of the best ones) are from Oceania, meaning we can’t play with them due to latency.

Yea, I get you, but the fact it’s horrible, and it has for years and has done nothing stop the curve is what’s terrible. It’s like at this point they don’t even care that it’s bad, as long as revenue comes in; and not as massive lousy PR due to players complaining… why change it? You know?

Um…I hate to break it to you but all the crybabies that want to be carried went Horde a looooooooong time ago.

The only people left on the alliance are friendly older gamers who don’t have time to be super-hardcore anymore, and a few of their kids. You want “whining”?

…have you played with blood elves?


:rofl: Really? Because I have seen that quite a bit from Horde while leveling up. Especially Nexus. I don’t understand why people hate that dungeon either. It’s really not hard, if you take a moment and read what the NPCs are saying.

Server transfer to OCE, alliance are 10-1 in favour easy, maybe even better odds. Go check out Frostmourne, it’s like 99% alliance.

No joke on raid boss kills, they do very well compared to, well, anyone really and they need to be commended for how well they perform for a smaller population (actual human population), and on a faction that has so little people.

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You calling Method liars?


Gonna need to see some sources for these “facts”. Maybe if you triple stamp them, and call for no erasies it will strengthen your completely ridiculous claims, Lloyd.


Today i yelled at my group for a random dungeon on a alt i was leveling. The person to respond wrote two sentences. The only part of what they wrote i could understand was at the end… “chill man”. It was in another language. So i started a vote to kick that player. In the box for reason i erote “build the wall”. The group removed him. Blizzard once had a wall. You couldnt make a horde and alliance on the same server but now when i pwn or get pwned i always get some loser messaging me. I want the wall built irl and i want my wall back in game. This is a faction based game. Its 2 nations at war. I dont forgive or forget. For the same reason BR wouldnt let me play dota with them i used noobblocker to not group with them here. Get rid of the factions and make it world of peacecraft you remove the drama. Remove the drama and this game gets real boring real fast. My hate for the horde is all that sustains me and keeps me playing at this point.

Oh dang, I didn’t know that!

Chill man!

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Yes. From high pop to low pop.

The difference in player experience between horde side vs. alliance side, and high pop vs low pop, is fairly dramatic across multiple important play modes.

In some cases, Blizzard may get extra revenue from faction change fees. Maybe they’re patting themselves on the back for being clever. I suspect they’ve also lost many players who quit instead.

This is one part of a larger thesis I have the dev team’s personal experience in playing the game is remarkably different from that of many average players. They bake in the fact they have 100% easy reliable access to talented, knowledgeable players that allows them to enjoy any corner of the game at will, whereas for most people options are pretty limited from lack of access to same.


And I doubt that would change, as it would include doing something focusing on the ally players.
BfA was the best that Blizzard wanted to do for ally.

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Yeah except you know for the significant ping issues trust me I looked into it.

It’s almost as if Blizzard believes the faction conflict needs to exist no matter how stupid or absurd that conflict becomes.

This is quickly reaching 1984 levels of insanity, where the Horde believes there must be an “enemy” because there is a War, and they must be winning.

The same ping issues we had for many years until we got OCE servers? We handled it fine. To get that much advantage in world PVP it’s definitely nothing to worry about.

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Wouldn’t mind a dead pvp system, myself, since they refuse to fix pvp.