Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

When guild transfers become a thing in 2011, migrations from Alliance --> Horde happened so that high-end guilds could take advantage of the ~1% marginal increases in DPS.

The general consensus has always been that Alliance racials are ~alright~ in certain niche situations, while Horde racials are significantly better, especially when you’re dealing with DPS checks early on in a raid tier.

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I really don’t care about worlds pvp the only reason i looked at it was for raiding and m+

I could careless about PvP. Broken anyways and what you get? Honor points ohhh so cool and tokens. So amazing. PvP don’t feel like PvP. Horde says we fight for honor but it’s all the time 4v1 that’s no honor. 1v1 is honorable fight but alliance is slacking on communication and mostly ppl switch to horde which strong good players including top guilds come to horde side which on my server which this I don’t get ppl complain more horde on their server but guess what, there more alliance on my server and I’m on horde. Am I complaining about it. Of course not. In PvP we win some we lose some. How ppl play but horde mostly win due to good players which we did won the war and horde side the war commanders are better then the alliance war side. No offence

No, I’m saying that people have short memories, because Method wasn’t a big deal when they changed factions. The dominance of Horde in end-game raiding started in Burning Crusade, as I’ve said many, many times in this thread. Read it.

Method was top 2 world when they changed factions they just weren’t paragon lol

If we just remove the divisions between the factions and people can form mixed groups of horde and alliance, the game will be reduced to a moba / League of Legends MMO.

That would be like taking the Los Angels Lakers and the Chicago Bulls, removing the uniforms and anything that identifies them as something different and making them play together.

At this point, it would be better to make all the characters look like mannequins without a defined shape.

But this feeling of eliminating the factions is Blizzard’s fault and its “magnificent” ability to make the conflicts between the alliance and Horde, something relevant.

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Well, from a marketing standpoint, they’re not wrong. That’s why I keep asking to extend the b-tag system into the in-game communications system and allow faction blind grouping - with the exception of PvP, where all in-game cross-faction communication would default off.

WoW is an easy concept sell to bring in youth with Horde v Alliance. Else, what? Come explore? Develop your professions? Enjoy pet battles? Sell each expac solely on it’s own storytelling merit: “For the next two years explore a death wonderland”?

I get why marketing would be terrified to lose H v A. I just want a compromise that opens up the pool of available players and makes cross-faction RP more immersive and varied in the activities you can engage in (ie: raids, M+, etc) I don’t know that I would go as far as cross faction guilds, and I’d do a phased implementation so that I could gather data as things were opened up.

I am against removing the factions. I just believe after working together repeatedly - there would be those who step across the line - especially when fighting 99% of all raid/dungeon content.

It would be a great boost for community as well, since all auto-queue tools would remain faction specific. Want to cross the faction divide - start making contacts.

There’s a lot they could do with it. With the Forsaken, Tauren, Night Elves, Worgen ,and Blood Elves especially. All races that have suffered tremendously. The Forsaken most recently, by not having a leader.
What I’m saying here, is that Factions should still exist. But I think with the problems we’re facing, it’s more and more likely that they’ll have to be removed, or that we’re going to find options to go neutral for raiding and dungeons.