Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

You guys keep confusing the issue.

Things like the “narrative” or “allied races” make zero difference to Mythic raiders. And the Mythic raiding imbalance is the ONLY part of the game where there’s an imbalance. (Apart from Arena, which favors Alliance…)

You keep posting these “here’s what would make more casual players choose alliance” when that’s not what Alliance needs. Alliance has plenty of casual players.

This is the continuous problem when people bring threads to General Discussion to talk about Mythic raiding – a place where almost nobody actually does Mythic raiding.

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Just take paladins away from the Horde.

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There is a lot of player whining on the forum that are Alliance…
I have no numbers to back it up, just a feeling.
What do you guys think?

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No no no no no no no no no.

Old Blood Elf racial required you to Mana Tap 3 times before you could even use it.

You said that Horde became the dominant raiding faction because their racials were too strong.

Horde became the dominant raiding faction in Burning Crusade, when Horde racials were trash.

Orcs and Trolls have racials that are essentially an extra DPS cooldown.

Troll racial in Burning Crusade had a bonus based on HOW CLOSE YOU WERE TO BEING DEAD.

Am I the only one that just plays horde due to aesthetics??, like id go Alliance but to me currently their races don’t pop out to me…

Mechagnomes and Kul’Tirans were a huge…huge miss for me…they all to similar…they all human in different varieties…tall, short, shorter, shorter with mech parts, fat… like they all blend in to me.

So there is nothing to be done to prevent the emptying of the alliance. Because Blizzard won’t buff anything in the alliance for those interested in High End and make the faction more attractive.

Especially because, many say that the current racial alliances, are better than those that exist in the horde, but are systematically worthless for those in the horde.

If even where it is possible creates something of value for the alliance, it can be considered, it remains only to sit back and let Blizzard replace ally with some NPC with A.I.

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The Alliance isn’t “emptying”. The Alliance/Horde ratio among the overall playerbase is the same as it was for 14 years, just reversed.

The last reliable data we had (4 months ago) showed a 54/46 Horde/Alliance ratio. The Alliance had a 54/46 Alliance/Horde ratio for a dozen years, but people weren’t screaming from the rooftops that the Horde was “emptying”.

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So the only way for you guys to be interested in end-game content is if you have OP racials and get the people that constantly switch to get things done for you?

Yeah, the MDI sure showed how worthless Alliance racials are.


well, i gotta say, having 10 horde chars and 2 alliance chars, horde has it a lot easier and smoother with random groups, be it random bgs, random epic bgs, lfd or lfr… Horde just picks it up and does it, very lil chat apart from a meme or two…alliance always has all kinds of drama…a random male pink haired gnome or a human male paladin is always griefing…pulling the boss, asking for loot, going afk for a sec (its never a sec), making long winded speeches about life, the game, the lore,politics…or just being a nuisance in general. I dont quite understand why that happens, but thats my experience. And no, its not just once or twice. I dont know what is up with male pink haired gnomes and male human paladins in this game. ive never a lfr group failing to kill bosses and giving up halfway on the horde…ive had that happen too many times to count on the alliance. i think its a “community” thing. The crowds are significantly different.


I leveled a bunch of Horde characters (around ten) through Korrak’s revenge.

Alliance would very often beat us and get an early lead. It wasn’t unusual for all 4 Horde towers to be capped by the time Horde was just entering the Alliance base.

But nobody ever got discouraged and started arguing. If the Alliance was clearly going to win, we ran in and pulled Vann even with the towers still not capped. And won that way, every time. While Alliance was standing around waiting for all their towers to cap.

Then, near the end, I tried leveling one of my Alliance characters in Korrak’s. I had never seen such a display of toxicity, negativism, and downright defeatism and lack of teamwork in my life.

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The percentage literally does change it’s fluctuated between 20 and 30 fairly frequently lols. However it only changes on a weekly basis.

Yeah there used to be 10 million players so it wasn’t a big deal there aren’t anymore.

Kind of ignoring that the best racial was the difference in seals where the horde one was vastly superior during bc aren’t we?

:clap: Add :clap: cross :clap: faction :clap: PvE :clap: Already!

Faction balance would literally not even be an issue if we could all pull from the same player-pool.

It’d also quite neatly solve any future issues if the paradigm were to shift back toward the Alliance.

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Not! I said that Blizzard will not change anything to make the alliance more interesting for horde players, with something related to racial improvements, because it has already been defined that we already have enough racials, but for horde players, it doesn’t matter. because the alliance is not a group that they want to participate in for this content.

Sure, as well as showing how many guilds of the alliance dominate the ranking.

Actually this may depend on the continent of WoW players. Sure, North American servers are Horde dominated. I don’t believe this is the case on EU servers

Or because oceanic and LA are counted as being part of the us overall while on their own server cluster much like rp realms.

You get what you get on both sides. You can’t just say that we’re the cry babies and then glance over the Horde faction. Truthfully, I’ve met terrible players on both, who should go play a different game… Like Terra, or Paladins, or maybe Pokemon.
Alliance hasn’t gotten a single word of praise in this thread. So why do people really despise the faction so much? Literally… everyone chooses one or the other faction at first because they’re new, and have little clue what issues lie ahead.
If anything, The Alliance gets the short end of the stick, and has for several years. Cata was arguably when it began, but MoP is where it really took hold. WoD was like a break… then Legion and BFA rapidly made the situation worse.


It’s happening on EU as well, and is actually worse because they don’t have Australia buffering out Alliance numbers. M+ is also skewed because of the raid imbalance.