Alliance players becoming a Myth in the paper?

Alliance outnumber horde like 2 : 1 in oceanic realms.

I couldn’t get my assault/vale/uldum done without being ganked every 5 minutes by a group of 4 to 5 on my horde toon with war mode on.

I did the sensible thing and turned it off. Never looked back. Makes me wonder why oceanic alliance out numbers the horde in war mode and still get the war mode bonus.

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Because it isn’t based on actual numbers, it’s just based on how much Alliance complains on the forums.

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…it’s because it’s based on the entirety of the US, not the individual servers/regions.


Except it’s not. They added free Heroic gear for turning on war mode, a gazillion Alliance took advantage of it, and the percentage STILL DID NOT CHANGE?

Give me a break.

Someone was trying to make the same point as the OP, but their figures kind of argued against it.

They said that on Wow progress it was 42 percent Alliance, 58 percent Horde. So that is actually pretty close, being no where near as horrible as people always make out here.

When I think of those numbers, I compare them to real life.

If 42 percent of the people nominated for Academy Awards were normally underrepresented, do you think they’d feel BAD? No, they’d probably feel pretty represented.

I don’t think it is based on server? It is probably based on the population/participation in general. Yes, it would make more sense if server based.

This is not true. This crisis dates back a long time. I think it was in MoP that it really started to accelerate, ultimately causing us to be where we are, right now.

Back in MoP, Horde had such superior racials for PvE that it was considered a misplay to play Alliance in raids.

The only thing that kept Alliance playable for so long was EMFH being so strong in PvP. But after EMFH was nerfed, as well as PvP being pretty much killed off in Legion, Alliance hasn’t stood a chance.


What was really sad is how many people in that thread (a) didn’t understand that wowprogress only counts heroic/mythic raiders, and (b) were offended when they found out they weren’t being counted.

And in WoD, the Horde racials were gutted, causing all the PvPers to flock to Alliance that expansion, yet all the raiding guilds stayed Horde.

With bad racials.

Because racials really don’t matter, and never did.

Mythic raiders raid on Horde because Alliance players don’t care about Mythic raiding.

I agree. It should, but it isn’t.

Oceanic alliance can have their cake and eat it too.

Honestly, oceanic horde is in a worse situation than US alliance. They don’t even get the war mode bonus despite being outnumbered. They have 0 incentive to turn on warmode. The cons outweighs the pros too much.

Alliance didn’t have better PvE racials though. Horde has always had that. Alliance have always had the better PvP racials.

But with PvP a dead concept right now, Alliance players are either not playing, or have gone to Horde to PvE.


But with everything cross-realm these days, having it based on server doesn’t make any sense.

Remember when cross-realm was introduced, and Blizzard PROMISED that it would only be for prior expansions, never for the current expansion?

Is that the case for current expansion as well?

To be honest, i did not pay much attention to this aspect.

Enemies are red, allies are blue.
Which server you are from, i’m blind to.

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(Anecdotal): Unit Exacitor has not taken advantage of that.

(Commentary): I’m sorry, but with this game? Blizzard couldn’t offer me a free lifetime subscription if I had to PvP even as little as one BG a month. Not worth the stress.

If Alliance dies maybe we’ll finally get no factions for PvE content. Then people might actually play their favourite races. If I could be a Night Elf and play with my Horde friends I’d race change in an instant(even though I’d lose out on a few pieces of my currently equipped mog).

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I’d argue it’s a Blizzard created issue. They gave Horde races more powerful racials which caused the top progression guilds to go Horde. Lower tier raiders saw this and assumed it was the only way to compete, so they went Horde as well. Then die to the imbalance guilds started switching to Horde so they could have access to a larger recruiting pool. At this point the faction imbalance is a runaway train that is only going to continue to get worse, and it all started with Blizzard’s poor decision making and balance tuning. The only way Blizz could even hope to get people back on Alliance would be to give us one or two blatantly OP racials and offer free Horde to Alliance faction changes.

And for anyone who wants to argue that there is no imbalance, I’d like to point out that we’ve had Against Overwhelming Odds available every single week for MONTHS (possibly even a year? Not sure if we hit that yet). I don’t PvP but it’s difficult to miss the exclamation point over Shaw’s head when you visit the boat.

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No matter how many times you guys repeat this, it doesn’t magically become true.

Mandela Effect.

It will not work! There is nothing in the ally that encourages.
No matter what bribe is used. There is still the problem of prestige.

There is no longer any prestige in being part of the alliance, with the narrative developed for the alliance.

Purple blood elves are seen as a placebo with filthy lore just to promote more rancidity and demoralize the faction with a bunch of shoehorned blood elves as a charity.

Kultirans did not cause the appreciation that ally needed.
The model just isn’t what people wanted.

Junkgnomes was just another way of brightening vulperas for the horde and ridiculing the alliance, with something conservative and uninspired, so the Horde is just disdainful. And rightly so.

Perhaps undoing factions is an option but it would be humiliating for alliance players as a group, as this would be done so that the alliance does not disappear in the participation of High End content.

The Horde does not need ally. The Horde dons want alliance players.
It would be a discreditable option for those who like the alliance and its lore, which Blizzard has been wearing out and devaluing, but then it wouldn’t be as if there was something in the ally to be proud of or regret the end.

And there is also the fact that the quality of our players is noticeably less interesting than those who are already in the horde today.

We have already seen people here saying that they do not want alliance players in their groups because “we are crybaby and we are bad players”.

But isn’t there any other way that doesn’t require a bribe or ally dissulution to value something they don’t like?

There are other means, but they all require Blizzard to stop trolling and do something both in narrative and in relation to Alliance Races that does not involve extrapolating what is seen as a sin in the alliance by the horde.


Old Blood Elf racial was an extra interrupt that was also AoE (was eventually nerfed, but the damage was already done by then), and both Orcs and Trolls have racials that are essentially an extra DPS cooldown. Shadowmeld may be strong in M+ but it’s situational, and has limited usefulness in raids. EMFH is extremely situational in PvE content (I don’t PvP so any benefit there is worthless to me), as are all the other racials I can think of for the main Alliance races. So please tell me how the statement that Horde has better racials is false.

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looks at data


The data disagrees with your feelycraft.

Then please post this data.