Alliance: Pick your last allied race

I think Sethrak are much more likely. I personally want both, but if I had to pick one or the other it would be High Elves every single time.

Bad example. Your example is more like night elves and blood elves are both elves. They are biologically different from one another though.

Blood elves are biologically high elves. Political affiliation doesn’t matter unless, once again, it is a neutral race, which they aren’t, only pandas are.

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Which can be remedied with something along the lines of the Silver Covenant taking the Void Elf transformation on. Boom. High Elves on the Alliance.

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Ankoan or Sethrak.

I want to either praise Dagon or praise Set.

If they took the void elf transformation on, they would be void elves, so yes, we would still have our void high elves on alliance. Though I seriously doubt paladins would even consider taking on void powers, as strict as the light is.

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i agree with your sentiment, as do many horde players, but the devs made the decision to 
how shall i put this
give the horde a better public persona, so that its equally likeable for other markets. it was a condition for allowing them access to the chinese marketplace that they beautify the horde, thus blood elves joined the horde. and the rest is history.

personally, i think the horde currently has the better looking races. so the idea the alliance has to be further uglified, is just tribal infighting.

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I said “along the lines of.” Go ahead and add a different transformation. Maybe we find the Arcane force that we discovered with Aluneth starts acting up down the line and the High Elves in the magic-attuned Dalaran start being affected by it, what with Elves being the Eevees of Warcraft and all.

I want Saberons on the zTroll model.

ah yes, cause we all remember how well that worked out for them last time they did that
 points at own face.

The absolute last thing this game needs is blood elves with a face option as an allied race.


Ah okay just it didn’t say if it was a reply to a certain person so thought you might have meant me for making the thread :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, sure, but that wouldn’t satisfy most “high elf” fans, because they want blood elves on alliance side. That’s why void elves aren’t good enough right now, because they don’t look exactly like blood elves. Also I’d much rather have a more unique looking race, not elf race number 5.


MoP was an amazing expac, what are you on about?

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I beg to differ, I don’t think it would be a thing anymore if the SC instead of Blood Elves had transformed into Void Elves. Both Windrunners with a pulse leading the group.

They could just write that the sc joins the void elves through the same ritual then. No need for elf race number 5.

I understand peoples’ desire for High Elves, but it would be an INCREDIBLE waste of an Allied Race slot, given that we already have Void Elves using literally the same model, but with some weirdness in the hair. If Blizzard would concede and give us High Elves, it would have to be as customization options for Void Elves. Which is actually something they mentioned considering awhile back.

I feel like if they actually planned on giving that to us, we’d know by now though. We’re even getting tons of customization updates in Shadowlands, but they specifically said “not for Allied Races”.

But anyway, yeah, don’t waste an Allied Race “slot” on another Blood Elf model. It would just become another thing for Alliance to whine about Horde bias on, since Horde would inevitably get something that isn’t a copy paste of one of their other Allied Races.

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But as you said, “they’d just be Void Elves then.”

Hit them with an Arcane Stone, since blue-eyed High Elves’ main magic influence is stil lArcane, and problem’s solved. Like I said, eevees of warcraft.

I’d go with the Sethrak simply because we have way too many Elves as it is.

And yes, I do play mostly Elves.

But we need a good reptilian playable race - it’s kind of strange WoW doesn’t have one yet. Also, Naga just have too many anatomical issues to work, while the Sethrak use existing skeletons and animations, so there’s really little problem there.

And sure, but Lore and Horde and
 yeah, you can thank the Void Elves for making any such argument moot. Whatever excuse they came up with for the Sethrak to go against the Horde would be less farfetched than the existence of the Void Elves.

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And that’s exactly my point. We don’t need 5 different flavors of elf.

I’d tend to agree, sort of, but down the road who knows. Elves, with the exception of Nightborne, are far more popular than most other races, the exception Humans. Sounds like it’s not too many Elves for the general playerbase.

I don’t think we should get High Elves any time soon, we still need our Worgen equivalent and my first pick there is Kaldorei Worgen, but I do think they’d make a good race later on. They keep dangling them in front of the Alliance players so you can understand why they’d want them, even if it does involve some cosmetic alterations, so long as they continue being dangled in front of us.

Silver Covenant is still there doing stuff in recent times, so that demand isn’t going away until they’re made playable or wiped out (which would be a Richard move but still, would work)