Alliance: Pick your last allied race

i am not an elf person myself but support playable helves for the alliance. the entire argument antis have seem to be “MUH BELF MODEL” but then argue if you get a different model that it’s a “better belf.” so it seems like they’re arguing out of both sides of their mouths.


No more Elves. Vrykul.

The only thing more generic than Elves is Humans, and we need our Worgen equivalent. No thanks.



hey there. :slight_smile: actually with all the elf talk in the helf threads i decided to make an elf in classic, as you know! i need to level him but i’ve been so busy with other stuff recently. lol.

Only one Elf type in classic, so Night Elf, hope you have fun! Enjoy the tree before it becomes all black and smoky!

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male nelf priest actually. :slight_smile:

i took a break cause i levelled tailoring non-stop yesterday and last night, till i was exhausted. finally got to runecloth and realized the trainer doesnt teach runecloth bags. instead you have to camp a merchant in everlook, winterspring along with several other people or buy it from the ah . i opted to buy it from the ah after witnessing the competition surrounding the merchant. lol

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yeah once you can make them you can make good bags for the entire guild you have. and people will really benefit from that. :slight_smile:

now to farm runecloth. working up the patience for that.


Though I’d love to see them as a Neutral Allied Race (something Nightborne should’ve been) as a precursor to Shadowlands where Ethereals are apparently there hawking wares.


then the next stop is mooncloth! but you’ll have to be max level tailoring for that, i think. :slight_smile:

oh oh i forgot ethereals. would love ethereals as an alliance allied race, though historically, they were neutral.

and felcloth farming. i see in my future many many hours of farming demons in azshara

Nice! I never really considered playing Classic seriously, still don’t (made Hyo here and got her to L2 for gits and shggles), because I don’t really enjoy the questing in Classic. Which is probably why I only ever leveled one main during TBC/Wrath.

I say that but I did technically level two, a Human mage I later turned velf who was on account that got hacked and recovered years later, and a Gnome mage to replace him when I decided it’d be easier. This is her. Say Hi, Hyo! (light rp commences)

“An Orc warlock? No.”

Oh don’t mind her, she’s been moody ever since the Nightborne went Horde despite helping them being her primary objective that expansion, and then Ebonchill failing her just as she tried to put out the tree, then being forced to leave her leader to face a Horde raid and nearly dying from it.

Between you and me, I think the shadows might have started getting to her recently because of all the depression and blaming herself.

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you can do et. you can do et. i did et. you can do et. hehe

yes, it was a great expansion, but a lot of the players left cause they did’nt like the style, thought it was too goofy.

just saying, not sure a bunch of fox people would get china’s attention more than an expansion literally MADE in an attempt to grab at them.

…sorry, if i’m not wording good… got a bit of a cold/fever and it’s messin me up…

by “questing” in classic you mean grinding for two levels for some stuff that has a 1% drop rate but you need 30 of them?

also i love gnomes so we could be friends! gnomes are friends not food. and you don’t punt your friends. -.-

Yeah, that kind of stuff is definitely on the list of “things Hyolia’s player doesn’t find fun.”

I would like to play a half elf, blizzard could use the human skeleton but taller and less muscular. Glowing eyes and pointy ears. High elves would be nice too.

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