Alliance: Pick your last allied race

And again with the trolls. sigh You know what they’re asking for, why must you pretend you don’t? Do you just like to be spiteful?

everyone’s talking about dragons and half-elves, and i’m still sulking here, about vulpera going horde… stupid blizzard forcing us to burn their caravans… :frowning:

Yes, I know they’re asking for blood elves to be on alliance, or for blizzard to change void elf skin back to white. Neither of which is going to happen.

who is a troll?
Is it me?
Because I was asking the preferred number 1

Yup, still pretending you don’t know what they’re asking for.

Why do you have to do this? Are you really such a vindictive person you can’t address them honestly? Are you unable to because it makes you sound selfish?

You I like. So far at least.

well half elves dont have very long ears, theoretically, or else we would see pointy ears on kalecgos in magisters terrace. and wrathion has a mass of curly hair. but you’re likely right since the black dragons seem to have preferred to interact with humans and thus took human form. why did the reds prefer elves? almost as if they were assigned a group and took on an applicable avatar (which doesnt explain kalecgos since there are no playable half elves…yet mwahaha)

I’m not selfish, I just understand the reality of the situation.

You mean you intentionally misrepresent the situation.

Do you not hear yourself? You sound so hateful for a suggestion that you personally disagree with. I don’t like the Sethrak idea, but I’m not going to misrepresent the arguments of my opponents. Why must you?

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i’m sorry fae. if its any consolation, i’d love to have something like a halfling with druid as a class option, downsized druid forms. the issue with cuteness seems to be that alliance is supposedly already too cute so they want us to have more unattractive options, unique things, scary things, so that it balances with the horde’s undead and so forth.

I’d want Lightforged Undead, or whatever Calia Menethil is. I’d be pretty happy with high elves too, though.

Sethrak or Jinyu would be different but I feel like they’d be just like mechagnomes, dark irons, lightforged draenei, and Kul Tirans; a handful of people would be pretty happy, but you’d never see more than a couple of them anywhere.

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I’m not sure how

Sounds hateful at all. And you call me the troll.

How am I misrepresenting? Blood elves are high elves that changed their name. Void elves are high elves that dabbled with void entities. Those are facts.

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We have pretty races but the only cute races we have are Gnomes, and only the women, and Pandaren, who are shared, and only the women.

Vulpera make the cute ratio 1:1 Alliance:Horde.

Except that you know the ones who did not change their name are the ones being referred to. So you are being willfully disingenuous to unfairly discredit and ridicule people. It’s unkind to say the very least.

Because you’re misrepresenting the arguments of your opponents to ridicule them. It’s not something someone arguing in good faith or merely expressing an opposing opinion would do, that is malicious.

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As much as I want High Elves, I have to go with Sethrak simply because we have four elf races already.

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Irrelevant. The devs aren’t going to put an exact copy of a race on both factions unless the race is neutral. They have stated this many times.

I’m not misrepresenting them in the slightest. Blood elves are exactly high elves that decided to honor their fallen.

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Except it isn’t.

They don’t have to.

Now you’re lying.

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except, the horde isn’t supposed to be ‘cute’ they’re THE HORDE.

“focused, ferocious, and sometimes monsterous, the horde values strength and honor, but struggles to keep aggression in check.”

not sure a bunch of cute foxes fit in with that. (and before someone comes along and mentions the elves, they’re pointy, DRUGGY elves. they wither without magic)

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They would have to because blood elves are high elves.

Hydrogen peroxide is a liquid, water is a liquid, both are hydrogen and oxygen. You wouldn’t call them the same even though they start from the same place. I certainly wouldn’t suggest drinking both of them.

Similarly, all Blood Elves are biologically High Elves, but none are politically High Elves any more than Void Elves are politically Blood Elves.

You know this fact, and yet you pretend you don’t. This is why you’re behaving in a manner that can be described as spiteful.


not to jump-in on your arguement, but the game shows them as seperate on several occasions. outside the nighthold, and the argent tournament grounds (also several cutscene-ish moments i’m too sick to look up right now…).

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