Alliance: Pick your last allied race

Don’t get me wrong I know the Horde did a lot more for the Sethrak.
Just that the Sethrak has not chosen a side and the Alliance decided to try and befriend them.
It is possible that in 8.3.5 that friendship pays off in some way.

Or the Horde gets them as an allied race for all they did at the start of the expansion.
Room for it to go either way.

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I did play the Alliance War campaign. Did you do the Horde zone in Vol’dun? Because if you did, there would be no question who helped Vorrik and the Devoted more.

Just regular Kobolds will do. Sure they’re not the most intelligent…socially skilled race but…

They are all over Elwynn, and they’d make perfect trade partners. I mean, some diplomatic dude could approach with a whole bunch of candles and offer them Mining jobs? Dunno.

I can see them moving a cart filled with ore through Goldshire thowards Stormwind minding their own business.

I did both campaigns. I believe it doesn’t even matter who did what or who did more. Both factions helped. Sethrak won’t be going to one exclusively. They’re pretty much a neutral race that accepted aid and help from both sides.

Why would the alliance get a horde race and an obvious horde AR?

High Elves are in the game twice… My choices would be Sethrak, High Arakkoa, or Botani.

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For real, giving a dude an antidote and saving their culture and god. Same thing.

OGRE!! OGRE!! please Ogre!!!

Wood Gnomes - they can can be druids.



So then back to my original point, why do the Alliance think they have any chance at having them?

Especially considering the Horde did so much more and more or less killed their ancestral enemies and resurrected their god. Personally I couldn’t care less because they’re a meh race but facts are facts. Based on current lore, Sethrak lean far more Horde than Alliance.


botani would be interesting. the female ones could have flowers sprouting from them, like around their heads or necks or arms or ankles. i like they way they sound when they move. could get irritating after awhile i suppose.


I beg to blizzard for Ogres (Yes when it comes to Ogres…me have no self-respect and willing to beg for it without any shame)

I don’t care whether we get them or not. See all my previous posts.

I’m just trying to correct the downplay of Alliance’s involvement by dismissing saving the leader of the Sethrak, Vorrik, from lethal poison that almost killed him as:

If Alliance saved Vol’jin from dying to poison, you think we’d all be calling him “some dude”?


make them taller and thinner than gnomes but cute like baby yoda, and i’m there. haha

As long as they are no taller than dorfs… I like tiny races lol.


yeah sorta like a gnome halfling. :smiley:

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What a strange way to spell blood elf

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There’s no downplay needed, the amount the Alliance did is jack **** compared to what the Horde did. End of story (if you actually did the story).

I’m in no way downplaying what Horde did. I never said they didn’t do more.

All I’m saying is Alliance did more than the nothing you’re claiming.

It can be both, you know.

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I said exactly what the Alliance did, you’re just upset at how I phrased it.