Alliance: Pick your last allied race

High Elves

One kind of race that this game is really missing is some kind of dragon or lizard race. Now there are many types of dragons. Naga strike me as something that could be a great option as a future AR moving forward. Problem is that I’ve been told blizzard said no to this.


whispers seeethhhraaaakkkk


Going to vote for Saberon…because lore wise they have druids.

Ohh I agree with you, I didn’t mean to make races out of thin air like the Void Elves (let’s be honest they definetly a sitting on the toilet playing angry birds and got a random idea race), but a lot of other races do have reasons, lore and everything already established!

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But the other point remains that flooding players with too many options makes those options matter less. It is the same as when you have a game with 50 sliders so you can customize every part of your character. How many people actually go through all those sliders, and mess with them. How many just find a preset that they like, and change a couple things on it? Is Metroid an inferior game because it offers exactly zero customization options?

Choice is nice, but too many choices waters down the impact of the choices. Same as with things like LFR. Accessibility isn’t in and of itself a bad thing, but too much leads to dumbing down and cheapening of content.

High/Half Elves

High Elves

High elf, but the team takes another pass at them and gives them tattoos, new hair styles, faces, etc. Not just ported blood elves.

I’d even settle for those options shifted over to void elves, new skin tones, hair colors and tattoos.

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What everyone keeps overlooking are what is not in Warcraft now but are in almost every other fantasy RPG’s
Halflings (hobbits) and sentient trees (ents)

I mean you could have a halfling (human) alliance and the Halfling (orc) horde.
The trees are easy
the ents alliance the huorons horde
Although these sentient tree models are all over azeroth.

When did Blizzard do that survey? I never found out.

Obvius High Elfs.

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Something Blizzard will never give us, as it would make voidbelf a worthless job.
Blizzard doesn’t want Alliance to have anything that looks like something they gave to the horde.

I would prefer something like sethraks, saberons or arakkoas.

Something edifying and remarkable. Not clumsy and humorous.

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By a vocal forum minority.

High Elves they already said “No.”

Sethrak won’t work because of their heads.

Snake boisssss :snake:


Racoons. Because they could use the vulpera model but BE EVEN CUTER. And peoples’ heads would literally explode, which would make it even funnier.

I’d go High Elf or Saberon over sethrak, I don’t like their goofy cobra heads. Now if you’d said Saurok, that I could get behind. This game has needed a proper lizard race since I came here from playing an Iksar in Everquest.


:yawning_face: Seriously just go play Horde for that. Adding them to the Alliance is pointless and makes no sense. Snake bois would be something new.


Definitely Sethrak.

We don’t need a 5th Elven race.


Wrong :smiley:

You left out the part where I’ve been playing them on Horde since TBC, and only switched purely to playing Alliance after I acquired Void Elves. Those snakes are hideous, I have nothing against lizard people, snake people on the other hand are garbage and I’d rather have an alliance blood elf than see that sorry excuse for a fantasy race with their oversized ridiculous heads. Like I said previously, advocate for Saurok then we’ll talk.