Alliance: Pick your last allied race

must be. she says she doesnt want high elves and thinks the idea is boring.

me, on the other hand, will always want high elves but am not caught up in the subject atm because i’m enjoying classic. in fact, only reason i’m here now is taking a breather after a marathon of 16 hours of grinding tailoring.

oh and here’s the evidence

You know my vote is for Sethrak! :heart::snake:


is it?
I thought it was for Naga?

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Of course. Sethrak all day, everyday. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

And just give blue eye options as customization to Blood Elves. Or fair skin tones to Void Elves and be done with it.


Iron Orc for the alliance

I want ogre for Horde.

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Lightforged sandgnomes

I’m of the ‘no more races until you fix these ones’ club BUT if I had to pick between the two, I would pick Arrakoa.

i hope your 4 likes also replied.
They dont get counted otherwise :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know at least one of us did. Lol

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I vote for Alliance Playable High Elves, Not the ones that call themselves Sin’dorei or in the Horde,

Yeah, hup to guys!~ :stuck_out_tongue:

High Elves.

Unless they wanna stop being a teasing tease who teases (fat chance of that happening, see: High Elves) and give us Drakonids instead. But that’s about the only thing that would compete.

High elf… and I’d race change.

I actually disagree. There is such a thing as going too broad, and expanding things to the point where the choices are essentially meaningless. The Void Elves are a perfect example of this. Even the Pandaren had more lore going for them than the Void Elves did. They only act as a vehicle to give Alleria more importance in the current lore as someone other than Sylvanas’s sister.

sethrak ofc

female mogu look pretty good tho…

night elf worgen could be rolled into customization options. tho it would step on worgen themes

put me down for sethrak pls

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I’m fairly open to races being added on the Alliance, since my most wanted races I want for the Horde. Off the top of my head, I would love to see Jinyu/Ankoan and Saberon as Alliance races. Just a personal preference, of course.

Bring me my snek bois


You don’t count, Blood Elf main

Some sort of dragonkin, since there is a dragonman model that uses the worgen skeleton and the worgen are the last unused alliance asset.