Take away the horde 10% bonus to further balance the factions I say
It is a completely silly position to take that players differ that much between faction lines and is usually indicative of someone who is extremely upset and looking for someone else to blame.
Players is players.
This is a false narrative and bad source for what people actually play. The fact that there are 50% characters doesn’t mean their are 50% played characters. When people switch factions, they rarely move all their characters.
A much better representation would be to take a look at the raiding rankings and you can see its far and above horde weighted. That is where the players are playing, primarily.
A much better representation would be the complaints from alliance and horde that they imbalance is a problem because they are seeing it.
It is easy for the majority to taunt the minority. It mirrors reality in such starkly sad ways. This is a game, not like reality, where players can actually choose not to engage.
IF… Blizzard wants to balance wPvP… and it appears they may… they are going to have do more to balance the player numbers which is extremely hard to do.
Those in the majority, whichever side, have to either accept that the minority side will get bonuses or give up on the world pvp. You can’t have both.
Thanks! I’ll be here leveling my allied races 20% faster than you. Peace.
Prove it. I wanna see the data that blizz let you see that shows this 50/50 you’re so confident about.
so wait! alliance get a 30% xp boost if warmode is on for them??
alliance get a 30% xp boost if warmode is on for them??
Hell yeah, it’s awesome. I’ve been leveling my Alliance alts the last two weeks because of it.
Nope most do not care. Friend of mine just took wow off her computer an walk away again. Hopefully she be back next expansion.
well here we go to level any toon ive been dreading leveling lol!! thanks bro!
I’d feel ashamed to carry the colors of a faction winning because of plot armor,
That’s rich coming from the faction with plot “I win” buttons like the blight. And the fact that sylvanas has the strongest plot armor ever
The is just one other problem. There are other players beside one that engages in war mode. All the see is one side getting something they can get. They really do not care the why they get it. They only care that they being excluded from it. It really is not 30% I am hearing most complaints. its the 370-385 free piece that raising some hairs.
In this day and age you hope people figure out that a mmo is full of various players. Players who want a Game to be about as balance as possible. When they see someone else getting something for free basically. it really just blows their tops. They are now beyond the point of no return.
They are at screw this point. I just seen half my guild leave game. That 15 players just leave game. Over something that should not been put in first place. They were mad for the 10%. Now they at the point they just saying well I had it.
You do realize that’s a perfect description of the Horde, right?
Alliance is promoted as the crying to get power and win
We’ve been over this before. Anduin was not crying. His eyes were sweating. It’s hard work to resurrect that many people, especially when you are lugging around 40kg of plate mail.
It seems like a pretty clear message that most players do not want the PVP/esport focus the current team leads are trying to push. Especially when it reduces 15+ years of lore to a pretty boring faction war rehash.
It’s great if people like to PVP, but in my opinion WoW was always better as an RPG with PVP on the side in battlegrounds and designated areas.
The sort of PVP where you go around ganking people and screwing with people trying to quest was never really PVP anyway. More like organized griefing.
Sounds like having war mode off would be perfect for you, then? And for those of us who don’t care about much of the story other than the faction war, we can have it on.
Get your logic out of this thread.
The sort of PVP where you go around ganking people and screwing with people trying to quest was never really PVP anyway. More like organized griefing.
I love “organized griefing” <3
If you have warmode on, you hopefully enjoy the zany zergfest that is world PvP for its own sake. (Or else machoism is your thing.)
If you enjoy world PvP, you probably noticed it’s not very fun when things are hideously uneven. Part of the joy is the whacky back and forth, group and counter group, and all that.
If the reward bothers that much, buck up and be part of the solution. Level that Alliance alt and turn warmode on! You’ll have fun (if you like warmode), you’ll be helping both factions enjoy themselves, and you’ll get a different perspective on this whacky world (of Warcraft PvP).
Oh, and if we’re throwing “My Dad can beat up your Dad” faction story trashtalk, let me just remind the Horde that it took their entire army to manage the DARNASSUS CITY GUARD and Malfurion. And they still lost 8 soldiers for every combatant they managed to kill. And got stalemated for a week or so. And only won because of a dues ex smuggler route and because the writers don’t get how hard it is to burn a live tree in isolation.
You’re getting an unfair buff, period. There is no debating that. Does it help alliance in pvp? So far I would say no. They get crushed everywhere even when they have a large numbers advantage.
Yeah sorry but thats just not true. This entire expansion ive never lost in open world PvP especially large scale. Alliance always destroy horde in the large raids. Horde usually out numbers alliance too which makes your statement just ridiculous
It’s okay, not everyone likes playing real content instead of scripted content programmed to be beaten.
Ah, a toxic pvper at their worst.
There are awesome and nice pvpers. I tip my hat to folks who can push the high skill without being a tool toward other players.
Folks like you, its a shame they removed the ignore function on the forums.