Alliance permanent 30% bonus for Warmode

Horde players won’t be quitting warmode in a massive tantrum like Alliance players, and Horde numbers must fall quite lower than Alliance’s for the bonus to shift the other side so.
Perma 30% for Alliance.


Can’t believe it took you this long to figure out it was an Alliance only buff. Come be blue if you want it.


Horde should just organize and all turn it off after reset and leave it off for a week.
Since it seems to be such a controversy that we need multiple threads on basically the same topic. /shrug


You’re welcome my Alliance friends ^^


I’d feel ashamed to carry the colors of a faction winning because of plot armor, a faction getting the godlike superpowers, a faction of the “Always good rightful boys”, a faction that cries and sabotage a game feature until they get something better or more than the opposite side.


Sucks. I would like at least one week of 30% for us so I can level my Priest. I hate leveling her.


It seems like a pretty clear message that most players do not want the PVP/esport focus the current team leads are trying to push. Especially when it reduces 15+ years of lore to a pretty boring faction war rehash.

It’s great if people like to PVP, but in my opinion WoW was always better as an RPG with PVP on the side in battlegrounds and designated areas.

The sort of PVP where you go around ganking people and screwing with people trying to quest was never really PVP anyway. More like organized griefing.

Not sure why Blizzard’s current team lead feels this minority is worth gambling a multi billion dollar franchise on but I cannot believe the investors are actually letting them go ahead with it.

Hire some damn fantasy/sci-fi writers and hold up the focus of the genre, you know, that pesky thing that is the entire reason you are a multi billion dollar franchise in the first place? THEN think about “diversifying your portfolio.”


I wasn’t whining about that at all. I was one of the few saying warmode was 100% fine before the new change.

It sucks for me because I can barely do WPvP because there are no Horde around.

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Wouldn’t turn it on even if it were 100%. /Shrug


Actually, both sides are pretty much equal, it was just the alliance whining that caused all this bonus mess. Right now those who sabotaged warmode on purpose are back at it, but guess what, factions were balanced and the numbers won’t shift hard enough so the bonus goes the other side.

I can understand you, Horde mostly goes solo with warmode on, meanwhile alliance forms raids with healers for it. So it’s a bunch of solitary outcasts against organized groups. Of course you won’t be seeing many enemies.

It’s okay, not everyone likes playing real content instead of scripted content programmed to be beaten.

The Alliance will always have that bonus. Horde will forever outnumber the Alliance, it’s no mystery. And even that 30% isn’t enough to really effect the number of Alliance who participate. They should make it something closer to 50%, 75%. Then you should see a drastic difference, a needed difference.


You’re wrong though, alliance horde is pretty much close to 50/50.

Quite a hardface to say this after Alliance cried for months until they got more than the Horde.


So… you’re talking about the horde, right


Cause BGs aren’t real content. Amirite.

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I’m talking about the faction which cries to the sky for a mass ress when they’re getting wiped-


Never mistake forum outrage as a representation of the whole community.


No, you’re talking about the horde, the faction that consistently wins just because of plot armor - despite the alliance having literal demigods on their side, they can’t seem to ever win anything.


They have literal demigods facetanking traps, getting outplayed completely by skill yet they always survive.
Horde is completely superior tactic wise, war wise, combat wise. But the Alliance? Lol we demigods so we can’t lose even if we commit the worst warfare mistakes :smiley:


The Alliance will always have that bonus. Horde will forever outnumber the Alliance, it’s no mystery. And even that 30% isn’t enough to really effect the number of Alliance who participate. They should make it something closer to 50%, 75%. Then you should see a drastic difference, a needed difference.

I don’t really see how this would solve anything though. Not if what the Horde is looking for is challenging and sportsmanlike competition.

All it would do is channel a massive influx of people questing. So what, Horde would camp all day around quest givers and gank the PVE players who don’t even fight back for kicks, because that is fun and rewarding PVP?

Because it sure doesn’t seem fun or worthwhile to me.


But that’s exactly the type of world PvP the Alliance provide, Alliance never roams alone with warmode, unlike the Horde players.

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