Alliance permanent 30% bonus for Warmode


/kill 25 Horde in raid


/Collect 370_BRACER_7


There should be a 24 hour cooldown when turning on and off the warmode.

Oh, you are talking about the Legion cinematic where Anduin calls down the power of the Light to raise an army and fights Sylvanis at Undercity?

Didn’t the Alliance destroy Undercity and turn it into a smoking hole for what Sylvanis did to Teladrysil (no idea how to spell that)? That feels an aweful lot like two losses for the Horde sicne the burning split the Horde (again) on moral gronds.


If it’s apparent that it’s going to consistently be favoring the Alliance simply due to overwhelming numbers of Horde, then Blizz is likely to take one of two options.

A) Change the algorithm to be per realm instead of per region.
B) Reduce the bonus back to 10% for both factions
B) Increase the bonus to 30% for both factions

Alliance players were under populated, still are. The tantrum wasnt a thing it wasnt worth it when it took 4-5x the normal amount of time for anything now that extra time is made up for.

Horde only have themselves to thank for helping us out.

Also raids arent usable for the kill quests [the horde ones]


Here’s the thing though. The forums have been left to this dumpster fire state for so long it discourages others from even bothering to come here because it’s a dumpster fire. LOL
I believe more read the firums than actually post because of that as well.
How can blizz take any thing posted here seriously when a good percentage of the users don’t?


Why do you care?


You cry a lot


Meta: That feeling when you see a thread so filled with misunderstandings and garbage that you think it should just be closed because trying to correct any of it will result in pain.


Probably because one side gets something the other doesnt. But its literally the only thing that gets alliance to do warmode because of the massive drag it is to get outnumbered nonstop and take tons longer to do anything most days.

But either way alliance need it to get any on, i still see way more horde than alliance and most of the times its just 2-3 ally vs 5-6 horde but i still enjoy it and now that we have the 30% increase it makes warmode worth it for the extra time of being camped or swarmed to death for long periods of time.

I play with warmode on and never take it off unless it’s going to phase me from my group. The problem is I have more fun posting on the forums than actually playing the game. So -1 Alliance with Warmode ON.

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Oh a troll…

Merry Christmas fellas. I’m out.


To say they don’t get anything isn’t exactly true. Being able to finish your WQ in two mins because there is an abundance of you out there is a plus. I would have to do the quest in between corpse runs.

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That is true they do get the time bonus which far outweighs the 30% still

What time bonus? Last Drustvar assault took me 1 hour and almost other 20 minutes to get 4 objectives down because of Alliance spawncampers.
What is the time bonus I have you’re talking about?

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So with the faction imbalance you’re still losing? Man that’s sad.


Except that is not true and you have been shown evidence of it to be untrue.

I recall once there was a similar thing said but not 5 minutes later it was claimed he and a few Horde players were so skilled and great they defeated a 40 man raid.
Why? Well you can imagine…


They can’t either, the numbers for warmode opt in are never published. Just like sub numbers. We can only assume based on the fact that the bonus scales and it’s still 30% that the difference is still large.

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Seasons beatings Horde!
For the Alliance!