Alliance needs better pvpers

This is just like any other decision. Choose Unstoppable Force Mace or Hand of Rag? Well the answer is obvious. Same idea with choosing better racials, choosing servers with populations stacked in their favor. Why do you think Alliance continue to go to Heartseeker? Same reason all the horde on all the servers do what they are doing.

No you wouldn’t. Lemme guess, your main is an orc or undead? And since no data can be collected, you can’t be convinced, anyway.

So that is that.

Horde are not cold and logical. They are like that tribe on that island in the indian ocean who mindlessly hates and kills anyone that is not them.

There’s a group of people who are cold and logical. For Vanilla, the answer is obviously Horde for PvP. These are the same people who would choose Alliance for WotLK PvP.

Most alliance are here on PvP either because of Paladins, Nostalgia or Friends.

I have literally never encountered such people in wow in 15 years.

Horde are ridiculously supremacist and racist.

I deny that there was someone who rolled horde in vanilla for pvp then re-rolled alliance for pvp in wotlk.

People are complaining about racials here, but on retail the racial disparity between Horde and Alliance is blatantly obvious which is why most people swapped to Horde. It’s a serious problem that useless devs won’t fix.

This ain’t too much of a problem on Vanilla though, on my realm it feels like it’s 50/50 at least, and most of the Alliance pvpers here have a different mentality than the ones on retail.

The data collection was my question about what actual advantages Horde racials have. That’s something that I would expect there to be simulations on somewhere, and would be surprised if it was very difficult to dig up. I suspect the answer is something like, “not that much.” tbh.

But that only has anything to do with server imbalance if you believe that the majority of players chose their faction and class specifically for their racial abilities. I don’t claim to have data on that, and I’m not asking you for it, but I suspect that a small minority chose for racial abilities, and the vast majority chose because they like the look (but maybe I’m wrong).

Like I said, I spent a couple of hours today on Stalagg, which is (at least based on the numbers from something like 30/70 Horde biased. I observed some WPVP, and chatted with a few people on the Alliance side there.

Next, I’ll spend some time on Kurinnaxx, which according to is relatively evenly balanced, and see what Alliance have to say there.

I’m not sure what will convince me, and maybe that’s a problem. Solving that problem is certainly a motivator for me to ask questions like “how would one know?”

Right, so nothing, then.

This conversation is pointless.

If the majority of pvp alliance players on the majority of pvp servers are telling you things are so horrificially imbalanced that no pvp solution is possible, and no empirical data can be collected, and that’s not good enough for you, then there is no reason for you to continue.

Well, how about PVP happened on a PVP server.

Look at Faerlina!

And according to, Faerlina faction balance is about on par with Herod, Incendius, Whitemane, and others where people are QQing all over the place.

I don’t really know what the issue is, but I wonder if a simple solution would be to form a party.

Why are you pimping that website so hard? Do you own it or work for it?

You know that they also do not have access to accurate census tools, right?

It’s based on raid logs. If you have something better, then go ahead and post it.

Dude are you even reading the other threads or listening to anyone?

It doesn’t matter if you form a party if no matter how many you bring, the horde just brings more, and more, and more.

Raid Logs… Are you SERIOUS?

Yes. I actually have gone a lot further than that. Apparently you have not been reading my posts to you.

Anyway, PVP servers…

Ok. Godspeed in whatever you’re trying to do.

Apparently what I was trying to do was waste my time trying to better understand an imaginary problem. Seems like some people_ should have selected PVE realms.

Plays the beneficiary faction, claims it’s an imaginary problem.

I signed up for PvP. I signed up for being ganked, for being camped, for being killed by multiple people. I did not sign up for 1-2 hour queues and then to be told I’m not allowed to play by sweaty nerds who are camping literally every zone.

Have you even tried playing Alliance? Seen what is going on? When (less than) half the playerbase is just not able to play, is that really a good thing?

Have you even tried forming a party?

What can a party do if they can’t actually land in the zone? Or hand in quests to the quest givers? At 60 we can group up, but given we’re outnumbered we’re going to run into bigger forces - and even if we gain advantage, more show up.

Way to dodge the question.

I don’t like the queues either. There are other servers that don’t have queues, and/or free transfers, which are both somewhat reasonable options, but a lot of people seem to prefer sitting in queues to going to other servers.

I ended up rolling another account to play while I sit in queue! I’m not trying to complain about that, but I’m also not trying to advocate for it, either. I don’t think not being able to play is a good thing.

What do you think are the problems? Just faction imbalance? Do you have any reason to believe that Whitemane has worse faction imbalance than a server where not a lot of people are complaining about PVP happening on a PVP server, like Faerlina?