Alliance is- regularly winning AV now?

I just came back to Wow classic (stopped this spring), and started playing AV for the first time. When I left, there were dozens of threads a day from alliance saying how they lost 110 AVs in a row and couldn’t even get the “1 win” reward quest item.

In the 15 AVs I’ve played (Alliance Arugal), Alliance has won- 7 of them? Was there a nerf to something on the horde side, or is Asia pvp different than the US? Just curious because the reality is far, far different than those complaint threads.


AV Weekend.


Alliance magically becomes better those weekends?

Alliance rankers that normally don’t bother queue up a bit more so they play properly


You mean Alliance can actually win games when they don’t turtle like some smooth brains? Who knew!


Every game I’ve played, I just ride in the zerg that caps two graveyards and then goes to Alliance base. Usually no horde comes back there, and it is a DPS race on the bosses.

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“iTS teH MAp!”


you’re right. it is the map.


Actually had two wins in a row a while back as Alliance. I did AV again today and while we didn’t win the Alliance attempted to cap IBGY twice, a pretty good effort.

The problem is of course, the map: Horde rezzers are able to counterattack much faster than Alliance can get reinforcements. I think Willee did a video on this.

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Over a year of all the horde players pointing out that the alliance flat out stopped trying after the bubble zerg was fixed in AV, and now we finally see that they have just as many and just as impactful advantages as does horde on the AV map.

The win rate has always swung to near 50/50 for the AV weekend.


I read your post and I’m like “I should do some AVs again on alliance”.

So I got on one of my alliance chars and did like 3 games. The first was a close loss, the second was the typical loss and the third we won. On the third game we even summoned Ivus and ended up defending really well.

AV Weekend is the best time to play for sure. I would say well not so much as horde but I rep grinded my horde alt last AV weekend and went from almost nothing to exalted so that was pretty good too.

Here’s the scenario… Horde is will forever stand at the hill and not push W on their keyboard to move into SHGY, 30 minute honor farming lack of strategic meta mind.

Alot are alts and have been boosted, you’ll see mages casting at range instead of AOE-ing the flag to help push alliance back. Warriors not zug zugging alliance clumped up and blowing fears. Then you get the occasional Hunter using serpent sting on casters

During AV weekend alliance has less bots it feels like and the rankers and tryhards will join AV, horde is so stuck on the mind set that horde win 99% time they can go afk while fighting, lack of healing no team coordination

It takes forever for stealth character to go north and take the bunkers in base, like literally you’re not being helpful at SHGY when there’s tons of AOE/Flares going on where you can’t stealth

Some games horde gets horrible players where they will not backcap after SHGY.

Ghosting of capped GY/Bunkers happens frequently because some are scared to defend the GY/Bunker and want to push forward with the crowd because they don’t wanna be engaged in pvp combat without a large group

Lots of noobs are walking in AV asking what to do, not knowing where to turn in materials so you get questions, then you get people who Ninja loot corpses hoping for epics and not turning in the materials for upgrades / ice dad / bat riders

There’s the occasional noobs that early rescue the bat riders such as Jetzor while the IWB hill is still being assaulted which leaves alliance to slaughter Jetzor but probably wouldn’t even matter as bots or ninja looters don’t turn in materials at horde base

You have AFK Raid leaders that do not fix the groups or give assist so others can help out, there’s literally a WeakAura that does this for you and people still do not have it

Not having assist you can’t mark Arch Druid and people get zugged from the NPCs

If only this game was similar to it’s RTS counterpart games because then you could control each person and make strategic gameplay. Because I do not know why horde walks into the front door all the time at SPGY there’s different entries like under bridge/going from mine side

I love the snarky Horde that deny the objective advantage they are given in AV because of the map’s design.

It’s okay to admit that the map favors Horde and Alliance give up before even trying. Both can be true at the same time.


Arugal is OCE server, you are on a different pvp players pool. Your observation doesn’t apply to NA/EU servers

I lost 4 games total as horde on my grind to exalted over the last month. One of those losses was from a game I joined halfway through. The map is busted and I can’t imagine the caliber of horde players that are losing half their AVs.

pretty much lol cuz they actually try during the bonus weekend


Lawl, remember years ago in retail when everyone always complained that Alliance won AV too much. idk what happened with classic, everything seems completely backwards now since classic released. I was expecting alliance to be completely stomping AV, but I was wrong.

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Yeah they fixed the cave locations so alliance win now…oh wait…no map change and alliance are now winning back like they did in phase 3… It’s almost as if the cave locations don’t affect the outcome…HAHA NO COULDNT BE THAT. CHANGE CAVES NOW PLX TY TY TY


You just got really lucky and qued into some awful horde teams. Most serious pvpers are done with bgs and what’s left of horde is just as pathetic as the allies still qing av. It’s made the game winnable again because horde are actually awful beyond belief

Make no mistake though the alliance are still losing almost every single match. They might win 1/5 on the bonus weekend

Combination of AV weekend and horde being complacent and/or willing to base race.