Alliance is Captain America & Horde is (not) Wolverine

If they want to tell us we all walked into the wrong timeline after leaving a Caverns of Time dungeon and just want a muligan on this tangled mess of stupidity, I mean I wouldn’t stop them.


Welcome to Hard Retcon Idea Gang.

Give me a book with the new canon and I’ll be satisfied.

I’d settle for a bullet point list in a pdf


The thing is, Blizzard is too incompetent to have any story being set in stone.

So The moment you get a book release… or a quest.

It has most likely already been decanonized.

Yeah Nu-Blizzard has already shown a commitment to non commitment to canon. Stonewright isn’t a soul, but is created by Denathrius? Nah, Renathal’s just stupid, she’s a soul and was a night warrior. All Night warriors go to Ardenweald? Nah, see, Stonewright is one!

Tbh after Before the Storm, I don’t know how any fan of the setting justifies buying any out of game content. They had Sylvanas flat out lie in her head movies. That’s unacceptable.


“just dont think about it and just consume the content”

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TBH I stopped considering those books as must buys after I bought a book that was supposedly the finale to the faction conflict and it ended up being Law and Order: Special Orcish unit.

I did get the Illidan book after that but that was due to reviews being very positive.


The real lesson BfA taught us was that pirates are cool and valid.


Because I have long term plans of writing a critical analysis of WoW and thus I get sick twisted enjoyment out of narrative pivots and retcons from an intellectual standpoint even though from a consumer and gamer standpoint they make me miserable

Inside you there are two nerd wolves

One is an academic who must dissect all things

The other is a black pilled gamer with nostalgia goggles sewn into your face


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Missed opportunity of BFA was revealing there is a Pirate Council of Azeroth that secretly serves Neptulon or something

So the Lord Ashvane is always the Pirate King of Azeroth

So Jaina is forced to appoint Flynn Fairwind as the new Lord Ashvane

And one of the Pirate Council is the Zandalari pirate Zemlan, that pirate guy from Legion, etc


While not a perfect analogy since the Alliance and the Horde are large, multi-racial, multicultural groups instead of individuals, this is a good analysis.

Besides, I strongly suspect if the Horde has a big feel-good moment coming up, will come at the expense of the Alliance which is taken over by Light extremists (which would be a predictable and pretentiously nihilistic outcome), but risks coming across as a “they’re as bad as each other” situation which makes fans utter The Eight Deadly Words.

P.S imo Sylvanas is Magneto with some Mr. Sinister thrown in.

I think she’s more like Thanos with Zovaal being Death.

If the Alliance are The Avengers or X-Men the Horde would be Team Rocket.

Sure janet.


That sounds a bit like an offshoot of the concept of “uncrowned”.

(disclosure: I find the concept and execution of uncrowned to be rather bad, and Nightwatch story is among the worst stuff I saw in the game).

Exploring the theme in-depth might’ve been an interesting idea. Like, exploring any stories / concepts in the game in-depth could’ve been, IMO, instead of hopping from 1 story bit to another.

gl hf

I have a gut feeling that there might be something intended to be a “feel good” moment, but it will either be considered like that by the fans of the horde vision of the current narrative team, fans of specific characters, or fall flat because what the devs want to make out of the horde is not what made people choose the horde to begin with.

IMO Sylvanas is like a general concept of some com stories that do not care about continuity and consistency, and just drag the story wherever.

(not sure what that would be, I barely know anything about comics. That would be in line with the last season of Star Trek, where Picard was used for marketing materials, only by the end creators to claim that they wanted the character “to be humbled” in the series. Like, not only it was done poorly, but the concept is something unlike to be desired by the fans)

gl hf


I feel like the abolishment of the warchief position was supposed to be the feelgood moment. Both Thrall and Baine denounce it as unnecessary, and the way the racial leaders all line up to form a unifying circle was probably meant to reinforce how the horde was coming back together as a unified partnership again.


Maybe. But we have older lore. Stories told in the pre-Cata time show that a warchief position was not a problem. Dragging characters “out of character” so that the plot would work is IMO.

The same thing can be seen in the Revendreth covenant story, where they claim that having a council is a magical solution to all the problems imaginable just by the virtue of being a council.

(maybe that is a meta statement from the devs that their approach to game development they consider to be superior? :thinking:)

Which is doubly comical because the alliance was twisted to have a low budged warchief. And the same devs do not portray having Anduin as high king as a source of problems vastly inferior to what the alliance was before the “high king” nonsense.

Double standards on the dev side?

gl hf


Oh, I don’t think the cutscene succeeded in being a feelgood moment. I’m just assuming that might be all the game’s going to offer for it.


Nu-Blizzard wants to put the onus on a title as if the title of Warchief can be abused and a council can’t – when the source of all of the Horde’s issues is the author. Nevermind that the High King is the perfect leader who is a hero that can do absolutely no wrong.

The Warchief was written as evil because Blizzard wanted to use the Horde to make the Alliance angry, and then let the Alliance feel heroic. Very little to no actual thought is given to the Horde playerbase, and what little is given to the Alliance is often poorly fitting and disappointing.

Blizzard thinks the only way to make one faction feel good is to make the other faction feel bad. Dumb authors should not be allowed to write for MMOs, IMO.


I now know one person who wrote for Blizzard that has never picked up a Black Panther comic.


The Alliance is the justice league.

The Horde is the teen titans.

Blizzard favors the alliance and it ruins the game.