Alliance in AV need to turtle

Tell that to the guys I go racking up the points on who are running into the walls, almost clipped out of visibility in the lumber mill area, as I make my way further north.
The pillars underneath the stormpike bridge is another clearance sale.

At this point the stigma behind AV is so bad itā€™s likely to never recover.

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Alliance do have more afkers, at least during non av weekends. Who is going to afk bot on horde for 1 win every 2 1/2 hours when people doing the lordā€™s work might summon you to the ally tram and load you with dishonorable kills?

Btw, I did have my best av weekend ever on alliance. 8 wins, 24 losses. Half the games the horde just had a better team. 2 game we 100% lost due to alliance defeatist attitudes. People going for lts even though we have horde hugely outgunned, so we canā€™t take IB or SF even while getting 3 times the hks horde has. Iā€™d say 5 or 6 losses we had horde outgunned but not enough to take SF or IB, then horde finally caps SH once and the game is over.

I think people just get too stuck on one thing. It is clear alliance is too defeatist, has more afkers, and has worse average players on non av weekend (the queue is a huge reason for this). But it is also clear that horde have a better spawn and a turtle breaker (lok) that alliance never get a chance to get (treesus). Acting like it is ONLY one or the other is just silly.

Also, people shouldnā€™t be mad at horde for being willing to defend everything. I was playing my orc hunter when the shift happened. It was base race for both factions at first, then the queue started slowly going up. Once it hit 30 minutes horde were actually willing to defend and add time to games to ensure wins.

Alliance would do the same if they had 2 hour queues like horde does

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it happens more than you would think. on small servers, just consistent AVā€™s is enough to cap a b12 spot fairly early on in week. but no, it is surely no where near prevalent on this side of the fence.

Except if horde stopped playing scorched earth their queue times would go back down and getting double the games in even with a ~50% win rate would be a net win for horde. As even when they lose horde were getting pretty decent honor/rep unlike alliance.

There is no ā€œandā€ about it, time spent in AV is a HUGE part of the equation. The fact of the matter is that in regard to honor, anything over a small period of time is going to be detrimental for alliance HPH. Your queues are simply too quick to foster motivation to try, and when it was a 5 minute race with premades it was abysmally bad and unfun gameplay.

I would bet my account that if for a month PVE servers had their queue separate from PVP servers, the win/loss ratios would shine a glaringly bright light on how queue times affect motivation.

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Truth. I spend a lot of time simply stealthing behind the (active) alliance front lines, soft capping as I go. As a result, the bulk of my killing blows and HKs are from stealthers afk at Jeztor, or on the ledges above SP, or jammed into obstacles at the mine entrance. It is damned comical how many alliance are clearly not at their keyboard. And I trust that blizzard is well aware of it.

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actual alliance pvpers are in wsg/ab - you know - where people actually pvp
av is just a farmfest on ally bots and alts
once i was done ranking i never touched av again
our best pvpers are not in av
theres most of the problem

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Theyā€™re not in AV because of the map, if alliance had a reasonable win rate they would happily mix AV in with the other BGā€™s.

Which is what we see on AV weekend, the extra rewards are enough to get more alliance into AV and the win rate goes up slightly.


av is simply not fun for a lot of pvpers unless you are a m*ge spamming aoe
once horde takes the shgy/iwb choke it is near impossible to get enough players south to launch a counter attack or to force enough horde back to defend to make a push
you cant contest shgy when 10-15 of your team are <60s trying to get their 1 AV win quest or bots hiding in a cave
i would agree that ibgy is kinda rigged with double horde respawns at cave but the game is won/lost the majority of the time in the initial shgy zerg
why would any pvper queue into a stacked game of basically 30v40 outside of av weekend when you can instaq into wsg/ab and actually have some fun

They go hand in hand, horde can afford to zerg SHGY and let IBGY soft cap because of the cave spawn and how effective of a choke SHGY is for keeping alliance north.

Alliance have to take some southern GY without letting SHGY cap which puts a huge initial burden on alliance that horde donā€™t have.

no they arent in there because they cant win it fast and it hurts honor per hour.
i lost games all weekend, and they were all over 45min matches.

the map excuse is red herring.

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You are arguing with someone who last year was lobbying for v1.12, and advising those who did not want the AV NPC races (also claiming the races did not begin until the reinforcement win condition in TBC) to do precisely what he now demonizes as ā€œsCoRcHeD eArThā€.

You know it is about HPH.
I know it is about HPH.

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Not really, itā€™s just the reality of the map. And yes noone has claimed alliance never win, itā€™s just very rare when horde are playing scorched earth.

Itā€™s not hard to figure out alliance donā€™t want to queue for 45 minute losses with little honor and rep.

i see. im simply wasting time then unless they can force themselves to see it from another perspective.

funny how when we just try to win its called ā€œscorched earthā€, you think for one min if they had full teams they wouldnt do the same? we already know the answer to that. the objective is to dominate the mapā€¦even more obvious in retail.
the loses in av i experienced this past weekend they did exactly that.

No doubt. And again I will say that I would wager my account that if they separated the PVP server queue from the PVE server queue, it would shine a glaring light on the fact that it is about the HPH. If PVE servers had their own queue, with the overwhelming lopsidedness of alliance population ratios, the queue time for alliance would be a lot longer than the hordeā€™s. Perhaps those horde could in turn bemoan ā€œsCoRcHeD eArThā€

Alliance do not have an equivalent strat to scorched earth hence the map issue.

i wouldnt take that bet. im not just going to give mine lol

then what is it called when your full team is at the wheel and you take sfgy 1st while keeping shgy? it happens all the time. and when it does, they dont leave anything in its path when they start advancement south.

That is not scorched earth as alliance have no reliable way to trap horde south of IBGY. And also not an equivalent as alliance have to take SF while holding SHGY whereas horde get to let IBGY soft cap if they take SHGY while that happens.