wrong. you can choke us at ibgy. and after that you can choke us at the rock of durotan (starting point)
much easier for to choke us off, you all just dont.
The choke at IBGY is significantly weaker for keeping horde south than the one at SHGY for keeping alliance north. And also means alliance are fighting horde rezzing 20 at a time in the cave.
Choking horde at IBGY would require soft capping it, holding it and sending everyone north of IB back behind it. Maybe if we arrived at IBGY within seconds of horde, that might work but IB is a much stronger choke than SH so there’s that too. Horde also have an escape out the back at IBGY and the cave nearby that alliance do not have at SHGY.
In short, telling alliance to do the same thing to horde shows a total disconnect of the map.
you are wrong as well. maybe because its not easily “puggable” then its impossible… w/e
i see it happen often, usually it starts with a 5 man team from incendious or herod and it grows like cancer. again, just because it isnt a given and youll have to work for it dont mean it cant be done or that it dosnt happen.
If one side has a significantly easier time than the other because of the map it’s a map problem. And that’s the case in AV, on a balanced map relatively balanced teams should have relatively even win rate. Which is the case in WSG/AB so we know it’s not that horde players are simply better.
Actually that’s the point even in games where alliance have a good team that is better than horde it’s still common to lose. That’s what happens when the map favors one side.
Repeatedly ignores that it is the identical map, racials, etc, as were in vanilla when Alliance dominated…the very version of the BG he lobbied and argued in favor of a mere year ago.
Statistics! You can spout that all you want, but the fact that the Alliance are not dominating completely derails your point. If it were the same… it would be the same. Schrodinger’s Cat.
Outside of the premade fix and the backdoors, the only difference is how the players are approaching the gameplay. It is clear as day that the majority of alliance, with the short queues and absence of accountability, are putting in the effort of a luke warm pudding.
The Schrodinger Cat is garbage you are dumping into the thread is to give the illusion that you have something insightful to add to the discussion.
It is not the map. It is the pouting masses that had a major exploit taken away from them.
Except the issues with the map were indeed addressed by blizzard when they started to become a problem in BC. Horde were simply not playing scorched earth before that.
Once again ignores the complete revamp of the win condition that necessitated said changes, hoping that nobody was paying attention every other time this has been smacked down…with yet another absurd dose of sCoRcHeD eArTh