Plays the most human looking and acting race on the horde.
The top raiders went horde for the imbalance, the coatail riders followed to be carried by the imbalance. All that’s left as raider/m+ on Alliance are those not looking for a free ride
Many top horde raiders migrated to the Alliance during WoTLK in a first place because Human racial which let you use extra Trinket in PvP and dispel in PvE
I do realize what you say but there are some issues with it.
More people play night elves than humans. I do agree that the human narrative is getting too fronted for the Alliance…but we can say similar things about the Horde too. Narrative is just lazy.
Yea, most of them left to play Horde. I remember PvP in WoD, most of it was Horde playing Humans. Then they left.
Didnt Horde literally get the first gear bonus from warfronts when they were available for Uldir?
The gear bonus acted as flavoring for the pot, but didnt work…simply because people arent going to join Alliance for free gear and stick around without a large end-game community.
This isn’t necessarily true. Humans gain 2% more of every Secondary Stat per point (so 100 Haste on an item will give you equal to 102 Haste). This alone makes them better than over half of the Horde roster on most classes because of the importance and nature of Secondary Stat interactions.
Dark Iron Dwarves can drop a lot of debuffs and gain a primary stat buff per debuff type (Curse/Magic/Poison/Disease/Bleed) you drop. Let’s not forget most of Season 2 and 3 this expac, Night Elf was THE race to be for Mythic+ pushing because Shadowmeld skips were THAT powerful.
Mechagnomes, Pandaren, Lightforged Draenei, Void Elves, all of these have their own unique abilities they add to combat.
The problem is that racials like the Trolls’ Berserk and Blood Elves’ Arcane Torrent are just superior in most situations, especially in PvE. It isn’t that Alliance is bad, it’s that a couple of their racials have better applications in the Raiding scene than Alliance does. Alliance STILL clears the content, it’s just that most of the good players are Horde /shrug
Why do you say it wasn’t working as intended? It was a bleed, the racial removes bleeds. Seems intended to me. Blizzard only changed things when they heard that guilds were considering faction hopping because of it.
Just because they didn’t account for these things in the past, like Kil’jaedan with rocket jump doesn’t mean they shouldn’t account for these things now.
If the question is “what if they make another fight like that rocket jump can take advantage of to that extent?” well then they just make sure to not make a fight mechanic that lets you have that large of an advantage with a racial.
Should be noted, a couple of fights with bleeds still exist in Nathria that I noticed. Notably Sludgefist which should be a tight healer and dps check on all difficulty levels. (The chain mechanic has one)
Every time someone parrots this they obviously have no idea what the goblin racial actually accomplished on that fight and how it was hotfixed to uselessness shortly after the first few kills.