Alliance finally had a single advantage in a raid

Because it literally destroyed a racial that has been in game forever.

Stoneform: While active, grants immunity to Bleed, Poison, and Disease effects. In addition, Armor increased by 10%. Lasts 8 sec.

Since vanilla


Yes. Because the first kill is what matters. It gave Horde an advantage in the mythic first race. Just like Da Voodoo Shuffle on Jaina (and despite two Alliance races becoming trolls, it didn’t change the fact entire guilds race changed to troll specifically for that fight)

The fact of the matter is, unlike the other cases, AKA Horde cases, where they waited until live, after the first kill to see if it was overpowered, they instead opted to nerf it before it went live, despite any testing to see if it was indeed overpowered. (And considering all but a couple mythic raid testing guilds are Horde, there’s no real way they would have to gauge this from such a small sample size)

You can bet if this was a Horde racial that gave an advantage like this, it would remain unnerfed until the world first kill was achieved.


Except the Kyrian Vial still does it. It just was nerfed to not work on the same mechanics Stoneform/Fireblood won’t work on. So I’m not entirely sure what your point is on this one.

On a side note, I’m amazed at how many people use the flagging feature as a dislike feature. I’m sorry to the mods that have to keep unflagging my posts in the thread.

But it does change the fact that it wasn’t horde bias in no way shape or form, it was just a big oversight. How many wipes did they had until they realize it was something they could use? At that point it was already live and close to getting a kill, is not the same situation where the raid is still in beta.

Trolls for Jaina and this case are apples and oranges, the situation are completely different beginning with the fact that both faction had access to it, even if you want to gloss over that.

It was also much harder to gauge how impactful it was going to be, where a complete immunity to a core mechanic is a clear case.

Is not the first case we had bleeds that are not removable.

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Was the point of your complaints about Uldir not to have things be nerfed when a certain faction may have an advantage? Sounds like they just listened to you, but you don’t like it because it isn’t in your favor in this case.

This seems to be the case. My sub runs on RAF atm. Renewed sub has to be earned by devs showing at least neutrality in game design choices

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I am a void elf only player but I don’t think this is because of favoritism. In their vision this heavily trivializes some raid mechanics and probably want to avoid every world first raider having to transfer to alliance for an advantage. I’m sure if horde had a similar thing, they would act in the same fashion. Are we just going to ignore Shadowmeld being the most over powered racial in mythic+ all of BFA or what? Maybe they will be more strict about these things because of the popularity of world first race streams/MDI. :woman_shrugging:

No, it still works on other bleeds in that raid…just not that one mechanic.

Though it wasnt just a Dwarf thing either, however people were only switching to Dwarf because of this one mechanic and how crucial to the fight it was.

Even then, there is no guarantee mass people would swap over to Alliance for one raid tier…simply because Kyrian did the same thing. There is no long term promise that people would come and stay Alliance.

People being ridiculous more than it should be.

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Yep, the Voodoo Shuffle tactic was only discovered and tried during live, not the PTR.

Stoneform had been discussed DURING testing with people making a lot of noise about it and 1 guild making a big show of transferring to the Alliance to get it.

I’d say revert the nerfs and let the Alliance be OP for one raid tier. That will help rebalance the factions. They let the Horde be OP in ToS with the goblin racial which still isn’t nerfed. It’s really OP on a DK with limited mobility.